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词汇 像这样
例句 You have to be patient. Things like this take time. 你必须耐心些,像这样的事情需要时间。I never saw such a glaring example of misrepresentation.我从未见过像这样明目张胆地歪曲事实。You'd think a fancy restaurant like this would have better service.你会以为像这样的豪华餐馆会有更好的服务。Major earthquakes like this occur very rarely.像这样的大地震极少发生。I apologize for maundering on like this.我对像这样不停地唠叨表示歉意。Such a finding as this exquisite antique is rare indeed.像这样一件精美古物的发现确是少有的。Clasp the racket like so.像这样紧握球拍。If this cut in resources occurs, it could severely damage a social fabric that is already stretched to the breaking point.如果资源像这样减少的话,会对本已不堪重负的社会结构造成严重影响。Your presence is essential on an occasion like this.像这样的场合你必须出席。Violent attacks like this mock the peace process.像这样的暴力袭击事件是对和平进程的嘲讽。Turn your toes in, like this.像这样把脚趾往里翻。Little local bars like this fly beneath the tourists' radar.像这样的当地小酒吧一般都不会引起游客的注意。 Hot summer days like this just scream for ice cream and visits to the pool.像这样的炎炎夏日太适合吃冰激凌和去游泳了。An occasion like this calls for some measure of decorum.像这样的场合需要一定程度的端庄得体。It opens and closes, like this.这个能开能关,就像这样An injury like this could put an end to her dancing career.像这样的伤有可能会结束她的舞蹈生涯。Tie the two ends together, like so.把两头扎在一起,像这样I'm sorry to intrude on you like this.很抱歉像这样叨扰您。I don't know how long I can keep up this pretence of happiness.我不知道自己装幸福还能像这样装多久。A chance like this doesn't come down the pike every day.像这样的机会不是每天都有的。The pieces just snap together like this.两个部件就像这样啪嗒一声合起来。A merger as such involves no necessary connotations of coercion, dominance, etc.像这样的合并并不一定带有强制或控制等的含义。Enter your details here in this box, like so.把你的详细资料输到这个方框里,就像这样In this type of case, the rights of the parent predominate.像这样的案例,父母的权利是首要考虑。There is now a growing realisation that things cannot go on like this for much longer.现在人们越来越认识到事情不能再像这样发展了。Estimating the cost of a project like this is often a shot in the dark.像这样估算项目成本纯属瞎猜。A letter like this cannot be hurried.像这样的一封信不可能匆匆写成。They were all waving their arms around, like this.他们都挥动着手臂,就像这样Clasp the chain like so.像这样扣上链子。Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.像这样的海底建造技术很复杂,与尝试在水下建桥有些相似。The new stadium is spectacular. There's never been anything like it.新的体育场非常壮观,像这样的还从来没有过。People don't know how to react when a question like that comes at them out of left field.像这样一个出其不意的问题,人们就不知该如何应对了。Causing such a perturbation to Earth's life systems is likely to have huge consequences.像这样扰乱地球的生命系统很可能会产生严重的后果。Many were surprised to see him exposed like this in the midst of a large crowd.许多人看到他像这样暴露在一大群人中间都非常吃惊。Should a program like this be paid for with tax/taxpayer dollars? 像这样的活动该由税款/用纳税人的钱支付吗?It was uncharacteristic of her father to disappear like this.她父亲像这样不见踪影很不正常。She had never talked like this before and it boded ill.她从没像这样说过话,这不是好兆头。You have to fold the corners back like this.你得把角往回折叠,就像这样When I was young, such insolence would not have been tolerated.我年轻的时候,像这样的无礼是不能容忍的。Can you go like this with your eyebrows? 你能像这样动眉毛吗?




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