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词汇 扑向
例句 He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon.扑向盗贼,为夺取武器与之搏斗。They made a rush at him to get his gun.他们猛地扑向他去抢他的枪。A sudden puff of cold air hit the back of my neck.突然一阵冷空气扑向了我的脖子后面。They fell on the sandwiches with alacrity.他们快活地扑向三明治。He flew at his brother like a crazy person.他疯了似的扑向他哥哥。The wind made the lake waters billow onto the beach.大风吹得湖水汹涌地扑向浅滩。One day Grandma got so mad she went for Grandpa with the kitchen knife.有一天祖母气极了,拿起一把菜刀就扑向祖父。We watched the hawk swoop on its prey.我们注视着老鹰扑向它的猎物。Lisa ran at him and butted him in the stomach.莉萨扑向他,一头撞在他肚子上。The tiger was crouching ready to spring on its prey.老虎蜷曲着身子,准备扑向捕捉的猎物。Two dogs rushed at Delia, growling and baring their teeth.两条狗扑向迪莉娅,咆哮着露出牙齿。Jo flew at him, pummelling his chest with clenched fists.乔猛地扑向他,紧握双拳对他当胸一顿狂揍。Jack flung himself at Steve, but he simply pushed him away.杰克扑向史蒂夫,但史蒂夫一下子推开了他。The watchdog attacked the intruder.看门狗扑向闯入的人。Then the first dog, recovering, flew at the horse's breast.然后第一只狗恢复了些体力,扑向那匹马的前胸。Police dogs were set on the protesters.警犬开始扑向示威人群。Kevin pounced on Liam and started hitting him.凯文猛然扑向利亚姆并开始打他。Before he could rescue it, the cat pounced on the bird and carried it to the bushes.他还没来得及前去相救,那只猫就一个纵身扑向小鸟,叼着它跑向树丛。With a snarl, the second dog made a dive for his heel.伴着一声嗥叫,第二只狗扑向了他的脚后跟。The crocodile lunged at its prey.鳄鱼扑向了它的猎物。The dog went for him and bit him twice on the leg.那条狗扑向他,在他腿上咬了两口。The attacker knocked on their door and made a lunge for Wendy when she answered.匪徒敲了敲他们的门,听到温迪一应声便扑向了她。The tiger pounced savagely on the goat.老虎凶猛地扑向山羊。They fell on the bread as if they hadn't eaten for days.他们扑向面包大吃起来,就好像好多天没吃过东西似的。He pounced on the photographer and smashed his camera.他猛地扑向摄影师,砸了他的相机。We watched a bird of prey swoop down on a mouse.我们看着一只猛禽俯冲扑向一只老鼠。Pantieri went for him, gripping him by the throat.潘蒂埃里扑向他,紧紧地扼住他的喉咙。The policeman made a dive for the dropped weapon.警察扑向掉下的武器。The two boys were going at each other like mad dogs.两个男孩像疯狗一样扑向对方。With a howl he leaped at his foe.他大吼一声,猛地扑向敌人。The dog lunged for his throat.那只狗扑向了他的喉咙。Then the warriors turned upon each other, for a fight to the death.接着勇士们互相扑向对方,进行了一场殊死搏斗。They pounced on their suspect.他们迅速扑向嫌疑犯。He barged past her and sprang at Gillian, knocking her to the floor.他从她身边冲过去扑向吉利恩时,将其撞倒在地。




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