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词汇 大火
例句 In Wyoming, firefighters are still battling the two blazes.在怀俄明州,消防员还在为扑灭这两场大火而奋战。A fire started inside the building.大火从建筑物内部开始燃起。The fire raged for hours.大火肆虐了几个小时。The fire struck a densely wooded area of Oakland.奥克兰一个树木茂密的地区发生了大火The fire was a vengeful act of destruction.这场大火是破坏性的报复行为。The family died in the blaze.那一家人死于那场大火The flames rapidly engulfed the house.大火很快吞没了那座房子。Hundreds of books were consumed in the fire.数百本书毁于那场大火A pall of smoke hung over the village after the fire.大火过后,村子被一层烟幕笼罩。All their things were destroyed in the fire.他们所有的东西都被大火烧掉了。A boy escaped unhurt when the fire in his room exploded.一个男孩当大火在他房内引发爆炸时逃了出来,毫发无伤。We think it's an inevitability that the fire will spread.我们认为大火必定会蔓延。There was a loud explosion in the engine-room, and almost immediately a fire broke out.发动机房里发生了爆炸,一声巨响后随即起了大火A careless camper accidentally started a fire in the woods.粗心的野营者意外地引起了一场林中大火Firefighters were helpless against the blaze.面对大火,消防员们无能为力。What with the noise outside, the fire and all, we got hardly any sleep.因为外面的噪声、大火,以及其他状况,我们几乎一夜未眠。Police believe the fire was started accidentally.警方认为大火是意外发生的。Intense heat from the fire could have warped and weakened the steel trusses that hold up the roof.大火的高温可能已经使支撑屋顶的钢桁架变得脆弱并发生扭曲。Some of his books were saved from the fire, but most of mine are missing.他的书籍中有一些从大火中抢救了出来,可我的书大部分都丢失了。The first sight that met my eyes was the church enveloped in flames.第一个映入我眼帘的景象就是被大火包围着的教堂。The smell from the fire still lingered days later.大火过后好几天还能闻到烧焦的味道。The forest fire burnt away for days.森林大火持续数天。Their house was destroyed outright by the fire.他们的房子很快被大火烧毁。It was winter and there was a huge fire roaring in the hearth.当时是冬天,壁炉里大火熊熊燃烧。The intense heat from the fire had caused the factory roof to buckle.大火的高温烤得工厂的屋顶变了形。Windows shattered with the heat from the blaze and metal doors buckled like cardboard.大火散发的高温使窗玻璃粉碎,金属门也如同硬纸板一样变了形。The fire left her horribly disfigured.那场大火使她严重毁容。The helicopter burst into flames when it hit the ground.直升机撞到地面后燃起了大火The pavements up and down the street were blackened with the fires.街上的路面全都给大火熏黑了。A fire broke out in the warehouse and raged unchecked for over two hours.仓库里起了火,大火熊熊,不受控制地燃烧了两个多小时。The spilled gasoline suddenly flared up in a sheet of flame.溢出的汽油猛地燃烧起来,霎时间一片大火Hundreds of people clambered to the roof of the building to watch the fire spread.数百人爬上大楼楼顶去看肆虐的大火She beat the flames out with her bare hands.她赤手空拳扑灭了大火The houses were so damaged by fire as to seem little more than the husks of dwellings.房屋被大火毁坏得非常严重,看起来仅剩下房间的空架子。The fire was closing in on their neighborhood.大火正在向他们附近的地区蔓延。The fire gutted the building, leaving just a charred shell.大火烧毁了整幢楼,只剩下一副焦壳。The flames were quenched by heavy rain.大雨浇灭了熊熊燃烧的大火Several houses had been burnt to the ground when the blaze was put out.大火扑灭时,好几间房子已全部烧毁。A fire on the ship killed a hundred or more passengers - some likely victims are still unaccounted for. 船上的大火让一百多名乘客丧生,可能还有些人生死未知。The fire caused extensive damage to the factory.大火使工厂遭到巨大破坏。




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