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词汇 才华
例句 He is using his talents to the maximum.他正在最大限度地施展自己的才华Writing commercials was a prostitution of his talents.撰写商业广告是对他才华的糟蹋。The festival remains a valuable showcase for new talent.音乐节一直是新秀展示才华的宝贵机会。We admired the singer's artistry.我们很钦佩那个歌手的艺术才华His athletic ability won him a scholarship to a good university.他的体育才华使他获得了一所好大学的奖学金。His talents were being wasted as a lawyer.他的才华当律师真是浪费。Her talents gave distinction to the work.她的才华使那个作品不同凡响。I was hoping some of his genius might rub off.我希望他的才华也可以影响他人。His rare excursions into poetry show real talent.他的那些偶尔为之的诗作却显示出非凡的才华She's a good writer but she's wasting her talent. 她是名出色的作家,但她却在浪费自己的才华Her talent for singing is a natural gift.她的歌唱才华是天生的。Jones has recently revealed hidden talents as an actor.琼斯近来显露出了不为人知的表演才华He is also respected for his brilliance as an artist.他还因为他的艺术才华受到别人的尊敬。Creativity was once considered the province of a chosen few.创造力一度被认为是少数人独有的才华She was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.她躁动不安,需要为自己的才华找到新的突破口。There is no point in hiding your light under a bushel in the music business.在音乐行当没有必要掩盖自己的才华I guess some of the other kids are jealous of her talent.我猜想有些孩子妒忌她的才华The band seemed to be just another bunch of pretty boys with no talent.这支乐队好像不过是又一伙模样俊俏毫无才华的少年。She is an artist of immense talent.她是一位极具才华的艺术家。He is gloriously talented, endlessly inventive.他极富才华,且创造力无穷。Mozart's genius flowered at a very early age.莫札特的才华在年幼时就焕发了出来。He's an extremely able musician.他是一位极具才华的音乐家。She was a fiery, brilliant and unyielding intellectual and politician.她是个充满激情、才华卓越、毫不妥协的知识分子和政治家。In one of his paintings his genius for bringing realism and vitality to mythological themes reached its fullest expression.在他的一幅画里,他那把神话题材处理得真实生动的才华得到了最充分的体现。The professor was known for his brilliance.那名教授因才华卓越而出名。He was a man rightly unashamed of his own talent.他是个对自己的才华毫不遮掩的人。The program is a showcase for up-and-coming musicians.这档节目是乐坛新秀展示才华的舞台。That firm sucks its new programmers dry after five years and then fires them.过五年,等到那个公司吸干了新程序员的才华以后就会解雇他们。His talent was noticed early on, though it was years before he achieved a major breakthrough.他的才华人们很早便注意到了,不过多年以后他才取得重大突破。His enormous talent had emerged fully formed.他卓越的才华已经完全显现出来。It's a challenging role. She's the only actress I know with enough talent to bring it off.这是一个有挑战性的角色。她是我知道的唯一有足够才华能够胜任的女演员。He is brilliantly able, more than a phrasemonger.才华非凡,决非辞藻华丽但言之无物之辈可比。I had to lay it on pretty thick about how talented she was.我只好大力吹捧她的才华There is an untapped wealth of writing talent, not in the groves of academe, but among the general population.有一类人的写作才华尚待发觉,这类人并非出自学术界,而是来自普通民众。He is a very underrated poet.他是一名才华被严重低估的诗人。It takes real talent to write a great pop song.创作一首一流的流行歌曲需要非凡的才华No other rock band comes even close to matching their talent.才华,任何其他的摇滚乐队都无法与他们相提并论。We don't monkey around when it comes to talent.涉及展示才华的问题,我们不会乱来的。The program showcases up-and-coming musicians.这档节目展示了乐坛新秀的才华Some people might think I've underachieved in my job.有些人可能会认为我的才华在目前的工作中没能充分施展出来。




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