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词汇 手腕
例句 She hurt her wrist but decided to continue playing.她伤了手腕,但决定继续比赛。She felt a knife slice her wrist open.她感觉到一把刀切开了自己的手腕Her broken wrist will put her out of action for at least a month.她断了的手腕将让她至少一个月活动不便。I thought my wrist might be broken, but it was just a bad sprain.我以为我的手腕可能摔断了,原来只是严重扭伤了。He grabbed her wrist but she twisted it free.他抓住她的手腕,但她扭动一下挣脱开了。She had a gold watch on her wrist.手腕上戴了块金表。He lapped a bandage around his wrist.他用绷带缠住手腕His wrists began to chafe against the cloth strips binding them.他的手腕开始被捆绑的布带磨得很痛。She was slender, with delicate wrists and ankles.她身量苗条,手腕和脚踝曲线玲珑。I fell and sprained my ankle/wrist.我跌倒了,扭伤了脚踝/手腕He sprained his wrist and, as a result , he will not be playing in the tournament.他扭伤了手腕,因此将不能参加这次锦标赛。Garrido caught her by the wrist.加里多抓住了她的手腕Strong fingers encircled her tiny wrists.强有力的手指箍着她那细小的手腕The hostage's wrists had red rings on them where the ropes had been pulled tight.人质手腕上被绳子勒过的地方留下一道道红色印痕。She dabbed perfume on the inside of her wrist.她在手腕内侧搽了香水。She slipped and hurt her wrist.她滑了一跤,扭伤了手腕He fell off his bike and broke his wrist.他从自行车上摔下来,手腕骨折。He tugged lightly at my wrist.他轻轻地拉了一下我的手腕The sweater's long sleeves kept getting all bunched up around her wrists.毛衣的长袖子在她的手腕处成皱褶收拢。The fate line begins close to the wrist.命运线始于接近手腕的地方。He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.他把她的双臂反扭背后,在她手腕上拷上一副手铐。He was disgusted at the nastiness of crooked politics.他对政界玩弄手腕的卑鄙行径深恶痛绝。With a flick of his wrist he removed the ash from the end of his cigarette.手腕轻轻一抖,把烟灰从香烟头上抖了下来。I've hurt my wrist, so I've bandaged it to give it some support.我的手腕受伤了,所以绑上了绷带进行保护。His bony wrists and ankles were hanging out beyond his off-the-peg summer suit.他瘦削的手腕和脚踝露在他穿的那套成品夏季西装外面。Doctors immobilized her wrist by putting it in a cast.医生用石膏把她的手腕固定起来。The policeman clicked the handcuffs round his wrists.警察咔嚓一声用手铐把他的手腕铐上。She grasped him tightly by the wrist.她紧紧地抓住他的手腕There's a slight tingle in my wrists.我的手腕有微微的刺痛感。She suffered a wrist fracture when she slipped on the ice.她在冰上滑倒,手腕骨折了。When you're throwing, snap your wrist as you release the ball.投掷时,要在掷球的同时甩动手腕My mother moved forward and grabbed my wrist.我母亲往前移并抓住我的手腕It took all her tact and diplomacy to persuade him not to resign.她使出所有计谋和手腕劝说他不要辞职。The ball hit him hard on the wrist.球狠狠地砸在他的手腕上。She sent the ball flying over the net with a flick of the wrist.她轻抖手腕,将球击过了网。Pain is in the area of the anatomical snuffbox and is worse with wrist flexion.解剖学鼻烟盒区域疼痛,手腕屈曲时更为严重。I picked up her wrist. It was limp and flaccid.我抓起她绵软无力的手腕I pricked my wrist on a rose tree.我让玫瑰树刺痛了手腕His fingers curled gently round her wrist.他手指轻轻握着她的手腕As soon as she was within reach he grabbed her wrist.她一靠近,他就一把抓住了她的手腕




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