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词汇 手指
例句 Her fingers were stiff with cold.她的手指冻僵了。Can you do these buttons up for me? I'm all fingers and thumbs.你能替我扣上这些纽扣吗?我的手指很笨拙。She inspected his fingers for signs of smoking.她检查他的手指,看看有没有抽烟留下的痕迹。If I hit upon the right name, her fingers snapped.如果碰巧我把名字说对了,她的手指便啪地打一个榧子。Nervously, she twisted her handkerchief in her fingers.她紧张地拿手绢在手指上绕来绕去。Get your slimy fingers off my jacket.把你那讨厌的手指从我夹克上拿开。She sucked so hard that she drew the splinter of wood out of her finger.她用力吮吸手指,吸出了里面的木刺。Be careful that the ink doesn't rub off on your fingers.当心墨水沾在你手指上擦不掉。Harrison dislocated a finger.哈里森的一根手指脱臼了。She got her finger pricked by a thorn.她的手指被刺扎了一下。She smashed her finger in the door.她的手指被门挤伤了。The old man drew a long, gnarled finger across his throat.老人伸出一根扭曲变形的长手指摸了一下喉咙。A small bead of blood formed where she had pricked her finger.她扎到手指的地方形成了一个小血滴。He's only cut his finger but you'd think he was bleeding to death, the amount of noise he's making.他只是割破了手指,但是看他那大喊大叫的样子,你还以为他快要流血至死了呢。He answered with a wag of his head/finger.他摇了摇头/手指表示回答。The jewels on her fingers sparkled.手指上戴的首饰闪闪发光。The baby held onto my thumb with her tiny fingers.宝宝用她细小的手指紧紧抓住我的大拇指。I can't type at all when people are watching me. I go all fingers and thumbs.别人看着我时,我一个字也打不出来,手指很笨拙。Our cold fingers and toes eventually thawed.我们冰冷的手指和脚趾终于暖和过来了。The ring was too big and slipped off my finger.这枚戒指太大,从我的手指上滑了下来。His fingers were badly frozen.他的手指被冻僵了He pressed a finger gently to her lips.他伸出一根手指轻轻地按在她的唇上。The ends of his fingers were burnt off at the knuckles.他的第一节手指给烧掉了。The baby took my finger in its tenacious little fist.那个婴儿用他的小拳头紧紧攥着我的手指The doctor used a sharp instrument to dig a piece of glass out of my finger.医生用尖头工具把我手指里的一块玻璃渣挑了出来。He had rather unattractive, stubby fingers.他的手指短粗短粗的,相当难看。Her finger throbbed with pain.手指一跳一跳地疼。You need sensitive fingers to find the flutter of a pulse.只有敏感的手指才能感觉到脉搏的跳动。The cut on her finger was oozing with blood.手指上的伤口正在慢慢出血。The knife slipped and cut his finger.刀滑脱,划破了他的手指She underwent microsurgery to re-attach her severed fingers.她接受了显微手术,将切断的手指重新接合。She stood up and fluffed her hair, wiggling her fingers through it and then throwing it back.她站起身来,弄松了头发,将手指穿过发丝,然后把头发向后一甩。He gently laced his fingers between mine.他轻柔地把自己的手指和我的扣在一起。Dermot joined her, his eyes on the dance floor, his fingers tapping out a rhythm on the table.德莫特加入了她的行列,眼睛盯着舞池,手指在桌子上敲着节拍。He felt hot tears dropping onto his fingers.他感觉到热泪掉到他的手指上。He crooked a finger to tell us to go over to him.他弯了弯手指,示意我们到他那儿去。I ran my finger down the page until I found the name I was looking for.我的手指沿书页往下移动,直到发现了我要找的名字。One of his fingers was cut off in the accident.他的一根手指在事故中被切断了。The nicotine stains on his fingers told me he was under stress.手指上的烟痕表明他压力很大。The cold numbed my fingers.严寒冻得我的手指都没有知觉了。




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