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词汇 手忙脚乱
例句 They are falling head over heels to propose new solutions.他们正手忙脚乱地试图提出新的解决办法。Patrick often plays up when he knows I'm in a hurry.帕特里克常常明知我手忙脚乱还要调皮捣蛋。I fumbled drunkenly with the keys, dropping them to the floor.我醉后手忙脚乱地用钥匙开锁,结果把它们弄掉在了地上。At first he was as cack-handed as every new father.起初,他像所有新晋父亲一样手忙脚乱I'm in a panic about getting everything done in time.我一阵手忙脚乱,想及时做完所有事情。He began to scoop his things up frantically.他开始手忙脚乱地捡起他的东西。I spent three frantic days trying to get everything ready.我花了三天时间手忙脚乱地作准备。Carol fussed about getting me a drink.卡萝尔手忙脚乱地要给我弄一杯喝的。There may be a period of disequilibrium as family members adjust to the new baby.宝宝的降生可能会使家庭有一段手忙脚乱的适应阶段。Why is it always such a rush to get ready in the mornings?为什么早晨老是得这么手忙脚乱一通才能准备好?Clambering over sackfuls of lemons, Boris tried to find a way out.鲍里斯手忙脚乱地爬过一个个装满柠檬的口袋,想找条出路。What's all the fuss about?干吗这么手忙脚乱的?She flurried and bustled, stuffing things out of sight.手忙脚乱地把东西藏到了别人看不见的地方。She gave the family some advice on how to make breakfast times less hectic.她给这个家庭一些建议,教他们早餐时间如何不那么手忙脚乱




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