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词汇 所得税
例句 They expect a cut in the basic rate of income tax.他们预计所得税基准税率会降低。It's on the cards that income tax will be abolished.所得税可能要废除。It's time the government came clean about its plans to raise income tax.政府是时候坦白交代增加所得税的计划了。They have brought down income taxes.他们降低了所得税He's having problems over his income tax.他在所得税方面出了问题。The news was a spur to the government to cut income tax.这条新闻促使政府减少所得税Income tax credits will be given for solarizing homes.装置利用太阳能设备的住宅将可获得所得税额抵免的优惠。He kissed off all raps except the one for income tax evasion.除了逃避所得税这一点,他把其他罪责都推得一干二净。The deferral of income-tax payments over these long periods has been of great dollar advantage.拖延这么长时间支付所得税会很占便宜。I wouldn't be in favour of income-tax cuts.我不会赞成削减所得税If you make regular gifts through a covenant, we can reclaim the income tax you have already paid on this money.如果你通过盖印契约定期捐款,我们可以要求返还这笔钱上你已经缴纳的所得税Raising income tax is considered politically dangerous.据认为,提高所得税有政治风险。The President promised to lower income taxes, and he's been as good as his word.总统曾许诺要降低所得税,他也的确那样做了。The government should abolish income tax for the low-paid.政府应该取消低收入者的所得税He pays very little tax because of some loophole in income tax legislation.由于所得税法规中存在着某些漏洞,他缴纳的税非常少。He is griping about his income tax again.他又在为所得税的事发牢骚。I wouldn't be in favour of income tax cuts.我不会支持削减所得税For her U.S. income taxes, she is considered a nonresident alien. 从她所缴纳的美国所得税来看,她被认定为非永久性居民。This Government has set its face against putting up income tax.这届政府执意反对提高所得税Some workers are being pushed into higher tax brackets.一些工人正被推入更高的所得税等级。The new finance minister seems loath to cut income tax.这位新财政部长似乎不愿意削减所得税The new Pay Tax is just old Income Tax writ large.新的工资税无非就是大幅度扩大了的旧的所得税而已。The Chancellor said he would cut income tax by 2 pence in the pound.财政大臣说他要按每英镑减低两便士的比率削减所得税The new finance minister seems loth to cut income tax.新任财政部长似乎不愿削减所得税The party's election pledge was to cut income taxes by a third over the next five years.该党的竞选承诺是在未来五年间削减三分之一的收入所得税I wish to confine the discussion to income taxation.我希望把讨论范围限制在所得税问题上。You may be able to avoid paying income tax on the money that you save.你也许可以避免缴纳存款的所得税It will come as a rude shock when their salary or income-tax refund cannot be cashed.如果他们的工资或所得税返还不能兑现,这对他们来说将是晴天霹雳。He failed to report and pay income tax on a portion of his income.他没有为收入中的一部分上报并缴纳所得税He was convicted of filing false income tax returns.他因为在所得税申报账目上作假而被定罪。Under the new system, withholding taxes on the salaries of most workers will be considerably reduced.按照新税制,从大多数职工薪金中代扣的所得税额将大为减少。We owe no income tax.我们不欠所得税They advocate abolishing the income tax. = They advocate that the income tax should be abolished.他们赞成废除所得税The Labour Party hoped to enlist support from the middle classes by promising not to raise income tax.工党向中产阶级保证不提高所得税,希望以此获得他们的支持。The expenses of raising children are tax-deductible for working mothers.子女抚养费在计算所得税时可从工作的母方所得总额中扣除。The Bonn government taxes profits of corporations at a rate that is among the highest in Europe.波恩政府对公司所得税的征收税率之高在欧洲处于前列。If you make regular gifts through a covenant we can reclaim the income tax which you have already paid on this money.如果你签订契约定期捐赠,那么我们可以要求返还你这笔钱上交的所得税I bollixed up my income tax form and had to pay a penalty.我填错了自己的所得税表格,不得不交罚金。The government has encountered strong opposition to its plans to raise income tax.政府欲提高所得税的方案遭到了强烈反对。Your employer will deduct income tax from your salary.你的雇主会从你的薪金中扣除所得税




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