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词汇 所学
例句 The student going to art or drama school will be very enthusiastic about further education. His is not a narrow mind, but one eager to grasp every facet of anything he studies.上艺术或戏剧学校的学生会渴望继续深造。他们思想活跃,迫切地想要掌握自己所学知识的每一个方面。Allan fought off stiff competition from throughout the UK to win one of only four places at the college.艾伦在全英国的激烈竞争中胜出,争取到那所学院仅有的四个名额中的一个。He worked on a farm during the summer to put his knowledge of agriculture into practice.他整个夏天都在农场工作,把所学的农业知识运用到实践中。I can't wait to put what I've learned into practice.我迫不及待地想把所学的知识运用于实践。What I learned then is of little avail to me now. 我那时的所学对我现在没什么帮助。The school is experimenting with a longer school year.所学校正在尝试延长学年时间。The school is mindful of its responsibilities towards all the children.所学校注重它对所有学童所负的责任。The school asks much of its students. 所学校对学生要求很高。The college has a very selective admissions policy.所学院的招生政策很严格。The school took disciplinary action against the drunken students.所学校对醉酒的学生给以纪律处分。His failure to be admitted to that college was a terrible blow to him.他未能考取那所学院,这对他是一个沉重的打击。The school is clear about its policy on bullying.所学校对蛮横欺负同学这种行为的处置方法是很明确的。The school does nothing for children of high ability.所学校对学习能力强的孩子没有做什么。The college invited her to speak at the graduation ceremony.所学院邀请她在毕业典礼上致辞。They apply what they learned in school to their everyday lives.他们把在校所学运用到日常生活当中。Many pupils follow an imbalanced curriculum.很多学生所学的课程结构不平衡。The college only admits visitors in organized groups.所学院只允许有组织的团体访客进入。The college offers a wide variety of language courses.所学院开设各种语言课程。The Institute was built with the help of public subscriptions.所学院是在公众的捐助下创建的。Integrity has always been one of the core values of the Institute.诚实正直一直就是这所学院的核心价值观之一。The college became/went coed this year.所学院今年改为男女同校了。He's forgotten all he's ever learned about history.他把过去所学的历史知识全都忘光了。Who originally founded the college?所学院最初是谁创办的?Iwas a teacher in the college where Khalil was studying.我是个老师,在哈利勒正在就读的那所学院教书。She learns quickly, what is more, she remembers what she has learnt.她学得很快,而且所学的全都记得。The college acquired a reputation for very high standards.所学院以学术水平高而闻名。The college offers classes in sculpture.所学院开设雕塑课。Everyone complains that the national tests bear no relation to what children have learnt in class.人人都抱怨说全国考试的内容与儿童在课堂上所学的毫不相干。The college is a stolid-looking building with no lawn.所学院外观呆板,连草坪都没有。The college has a broad mix of students.所学院里各种学生都有。The college's facilities rival those of Harvard and Yale.所学院的设施比得上哈佛和耶鲁。The college offers classes in computer programming and engineering.所学院开设计算机编程和工程学课程。The college has English classes for non-native speakers. 所学院给非母语英语学习者开设了英语课。She had been a year ahead of him at that college.她在那所学院里比他早一届。He likes giving pop quizzes, to see if the kids are remembering anything.他喜欢进行突击测验来看看孩子们是否记住了所学的内容。Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practise your study language with native speakers.我们的课程设计保证你每天有机会与说母语的人练习所学语言。I covenanted to pay $5000 a year to rebuild the college.我立书保证,每年付五千美元帮助重建那所学院。The college needs to establish an agenda for change.所学院需要制定一个改革日程表。The school is experimenting with new teaching methods.所学校正在试用新的教学方法。The girl is fond of her lessons.女孩喜欢所学的功课。




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