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词汇 战争爆发
例句 Oil reserves have fallen dramatically since the war broke out.战争爆发以来,石油储备骤减。When the war broke out all leave was cancelled.战争爆发后,所有的假期都取消了。The President was involved in discussions in the months leading up to the war.战争爆发前的几个月里,总统一直在参与讨论。Of course the company will act to protect its financial interests in the country if war begins.如果战争爆发,这个公司当然会采取行动保护自己在该国的经济利益。Since the outbreak of war, journalists have been working round the clock.战争爆发后,记者们日以继夜地工作。The president's popularity has plummeted since the war began.战争爆发以来,总统的支持率直线下降。When war broke out, he was interned as an enemy alien.战争爆发时,他作为敌国人士遭到关押。I was called up three months after war broke out.战争爆发三个月后我应征入伍了。When the war began, thousands of young men answered the call to arms. 战争爆发后,成千上万的年轻人应征入伍。When war broke out the government rounded up thousands of aliens and put them in temporary camps.战争爆发时,政府把数以千计的外国人集中在一起,关在临时拘留营中。Another time of great excitement for us boys was when war broke out.对我们男孩子来说另一个极度刺激的时刻是战争爆发Then war burst out.接着战争爆发了。When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。The real reasons for the war are now lost in the mists of time.那场战争爆发的真正起因现在已随着时间的推移而被人遗忘了。The build-up of troops in the region makes war seem more likely.在这一地区集结军队加大了战争爆发的可能性。He happened to be in England when the war broke out and he just stayed on.战争爆发时他碰巧在英格兰,于是就留在那里了。The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out.政府劝告人民储备燃料,以防战争爆发When war broke out last year, many soldiers re-upped.去年战争爆发时,许多士兵选择续服兵役。When war broke out he volunteered for service in the army.战争爆发,他志愿从了军。The ambassador was recalled when war broke out.战争爆发后大使就被召回了。Since war broke out, the phones at donation centers have been ringing off the hook.自从战争爆发以来,捐赠中心的电话就一直响个不停。When the war began many people were caught up in a wave of jingoism.战争爆发时,许多人都被卷入极端爱国主义的浪潮中。He was living in England when the war began and remained there for the duration.战争爆发时他正住在英格兰,后来就留在那里直到战争结束。Our military unit was activated soon after the start of the war.战争爆发后不久我们分队便被派往前线。I had kept up a correspondence with him until the war broke out.战争爆发之前我一直与他保持通信联系。We got married a month before the war broke out.我们在战争爆发前一个月结婚。Sales of nerve gas antidotes increased dramatically before the war.战争爆发前,神经毒气解毒剂销量激增。I was still living in London when the war broke out.战争爆发的时候我还住在伦敦。I'm eternally grateful that we managed to go there before the war.我们设法在战争爆发前到了那里,我对此永生感恩。At the outbreak of war, he was enlisted in the army.战争爆发时,他应征入伍参加了陆军。Building ceased with the outbreak of war.建设工程因为战争爆发而停了下来。A war broke out when the colonists demanded their independence.殖民地人民要求独立,战争爆发了。They were supposed to be our allies but they didn't stand by us when war broke out.他们本应是我们的盟友,但是战争爆发的时候却没有支持我们。We were going to get married, but then war broke out and spoiled everything.我们正打算结婚,可是战争爆发,把一切都打乱了。All these ideas for expansion were abruptly halted by the outbreak of war.所有的拓展构思都因战争爆发而突然搁置下来。Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?核武器真的可以减小战争爆发的危险吗?At the outbreak of war, most children were evacuated to the countryside.战争爆发的时候,大部分孩子被疏散到了乡下。In the months leading up to the outbreak of war, both countries were involved in a massive arms build-up.战争爆发前的几个月里,两个国家都在大规模地扩张军备。Several expatriate families have left the country since war broke out.战争爆发以后,一些侨民家庭离开了那个国家。




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