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Remember that this is caustic; use gloves or a spoon.别忘了,这东西具有腐蚀性;戴上手套或用勺子。Plants must be covered with a leaf-mould or similarly protected if frost threatens.如果霜冻来临,植物必须盖上腐叶土或用类似方法加以保护。The site was surrounded by a low stockade or fence.这块场地用低矮的栅栏或用篱笆围了起来。Locate light switches outside or on a pull cord.把电灯开关安在外面,或用拉绳开关。Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender.将蔬菜上锅蒸或用微波炉加热,直至变软。White wine is produced from light-coloured grapes or from dark-coloured grapes with the skin removed.白葡萄酒是用浅色的葡萄或用深色的葡萄去皮后酿成的。They bring meat, grain, and vegetables to sell or barter.他们带着肉、谷物以及蔬菜来出售或用来交换。The publishers promise not to use spyware to grab your personal information or otherwise compromise privacy.出版商承诺不会用间谍软件来获取个人信息,或用其他的办法破坏个人隐私。We'll get there somehow, by train or otherwise.不论是搭火车或用其他方式,我们总会到达那里的。The tapes can be used in class or for independent study.磁带可在课堂上使用或用于独立学习。 |