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词汇 我的妻子
例句 If anything should happen to me, please give this letter to my wife.如果我出了什么事,请把这封信交给我的妻子My wife never disciplines the children. She gets to play the good guy while I have to play the bad guy. 我的妻子从来不管教孩子。当我不得不管教孩子时,她就当好人。My wife is always getting on at me for not keeping the rooms clean.我的妻子老是责备我没有保持房间清洁。My wife is so unromantic.我的妻子太不浪漫了。My wife likes all the old English customs.我的妻子喜欢英国所有的古老习俗。My wife proved up on her Cherokee blood.我的妻子就她的彻罗基血统提出证明。Let's get this clear: I did not kill my wife.让我们明确这一点:我没有杀我的妻子My wife was very ill, but she's doing better now.我的妻子曾经病得很厉害,但现在好一些了。I looked at my wife in despair.我绝望地看着我的妻子My wife and children are staying there permanently.我的妻子和孩子会长期住在那里。My wife's a banker, but I'm just a scribbler who writes for the newspaper.我的妻子是银行家,而我只是为报纸耍耍笔杆子而已。My wife is a big fan of yours.我的妻子是您的忠实粉丝。I caught him messing around with my wife.我发现他和我的妻子关系暧昧。I have a nagging wife.我的妻子爱唠叨。I can't stand him, but my wife thinks he's marvellous.我不能忍受他,但我的妻子认为他很了不起。Have you met my wife?你认识我的妻子吗?To my chagrin and surprise, my wife told me that I am a somnambulist.让我震惊和错愕的是,我的妻子告诉我是个梦游者。By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.他攻击我,攻击我的妻子,这正证明他自己是个没出息的胆小鬼。My wife joins me in thanking you for the gift.我和我的妻子都谢谢你的礼物。The cherry on the cake was having my wife and little boy in the crowd to witness it.更可喜的是,我的妻子和小儿子在人群中见证了一切。




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