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词汇 我愿意
例句 I can recommend this book to anyone interested in food.我愿意把这本书推荐给任何对饮食感兴趣的人。I'm willing to pay more money if it comes to that.如果必要的话,我愿意付更多的钱。I'd give my eye teeth to be able to play the piano like that.要是我能像那样演奏钢琴,我愿意付出任何代价。I don't mind helping - it'll give me something to do.我愿意帮忙—这样我就有事可做了。Iwould do anything to win back your trust in me.我愿意尽一切努力来重新获得你的信任。I'd like to live anywhere else but here.我愿意住到任何别的地方,只要不是这里。I like the idea of sharing houseroom with those who need it.我愿意与那些需要的人合用房间。I would like to go; however, I think I'd better not.我愿意去,不过我想最好不去。I'm ready to do all those things which are more challenging.我愿意去做各种更具挑战性的事情。I'm open to suggestions on how we should proceed.我们下一步该怎么做,我愿意听听大家的意见。You said you needed a volunteer - well, I'm willing.你说过你需要一名志愿者——我愿意I am willing to endorse your plan without any qualifications. .我愿意为你的计划背书,没有任何条件。She said I could ask some friends along if I liked.她说如果我愿意的话,可以请几个朋友一起来。I don't mind going if no one else wants to.如果没有人想去的话,我愿意去。I'm willing to accept the blame for what happened. The buck stops with me.我愿意为发生的事接受批评。责任在我。I'd like to come and live here, only it's too expensive.我愿意到这里来住,只是这里太贵了。I knew the consequences of what I was about to do, but I was willing to pay the price.我知道我要做的事情的后果,但是我愿意为此付出代价。I would like to apologize most sincerely for any embarrassment caused.我愿意对造成的所有难堪表示最诚挚的歉意。I like to keep in with my ex-employer, you never know when you might need a reference.我愿意同以前的雇主保持良好关系,因为说不定什么时候或许会需要他的推荐信。I'd love to come.我愿意来。I'm willing to work for the party because its interests and my interests are one and the same.我愿意为该党效力,因为它的利益和我的利益完全一致。I'd give anything to be able to sing like that!要是能唱得那么好,我愿意付出任何代价!I'd love to sing along, only I don't know the words.我愿意一起唱,但是我不知道歌词。I'd give anything for a figure like hers.要是能有她那样的身材,我愿意付出任何代价。I'd like to come, but I don't have the time.我愿意过来,但是我没有时间。I would love to trade places with him. 我愿意和他互换位置。I would happily pay more tax to get an efficient health care system.为了建立一个更有效的医疗保健体系,我愿意多交点税。I'm willing to read this book, but as to publishing it, that's a different matter.我愿意读一读这本书,至于出版这本书,那是另一回事了。I have always said that I would serve the Party in any way it felt appropriate.我一直说,只要需要,我愿意为党效力,不管以何种方式。It's a big challenge and I'm up for it.这是个很大的挑战,我愿意一试。My mother has volunteered me to help with the school play.我母亲说我愿意为学校的演出帮忙出力。I'd be willing to fork out the extra money for a bigger car.我愿意多出些钱买一辆大点的车。She may want to argue, but it takes two to tango and I won't stoop to her level.她可能想要争吵,可那也得我愿意,我可不想跟她一般见识。I am always ready to work for you.我愿意随时为你效劳。I am ready to judge any book on its merits.我愿意根据每本图书各自的优点来作出评价。I'd like to work overseas.我愿意去海外工作。I'd willingly pay higher taxes if the money was spent on health and education.要是钱用在医疗和教育方面,我愿意交更多的税。I've never gone skiing before, but I'm willing to give it a try.我以前从未滑过雪,但是我愿意试一试。That's a risk I'm happy to take.我愿意冒这个险。I have a perfect right to park here if I want to.如果我愿意的话,我绝对有权把车停在这儿。




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