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词汇 我家
例句 My family has lived in New York for as long as I can remember. 打从我记事起,我家就住在纽约。Our garden is overlooked from the neighbour's balcony.从邻居的阳台居高临下可以看到我家的花园。My family lived in a seaboard city.我家过去住在一个海滨城市。As long as you're living under my roof, you'll do as I say.只要你住在我家,就得照我说的做。She lived three blocks away from me when we were kids.我们小时候,她就住在和我家相隔三个街区的地方。My family and friends all had a good laugh at my expense.我家里人和朋友全爱拿我寻开心。Comics were banned in my house because my parents thought they weren't a good influence.连环漫画在我家里是要禁止的,因为我父母认为它影响不好。Why don't you come by later?何不稍后来我家坐坐?It wouldn't worry me if he came to my house, but I don't know if I would go out of my way to ask him.我倒不介意他来我家,但我不知道自己是否会特意邀请他。I've got some stuff to do at home, so I'm going to buzz off now.我家里有些事要做,所以我现在得走了。We built an extension to our house.我们扩建了我家的房屋。My house is just a few minutes from here.我家离这里只有几分钟的路程。Mum, can Billy sleep over on Saturday?妈妈,比利星期六可以在我家过夜吗?Come over on Saturday. It would be nice to see you.星期六来我家吧,见到你会很开心的。A car pulled up outside my house.一辆轿车在我家门外停了下来。Our Barry had a habit of doing that sort of thing.我家巴里就习惯干那种事。Pam's staying overnight at my house.帕姆将在我家过夜。We went out to dinner, got a little tipsy, and ended up at my place.我们出去吃饭,喝得微醉,最后留在我家过了夜。Some animal was caterwauling in my backyard last night.昨晚,有动物在我家后院尖叫。He lives up the street from me.他就住在我家这条街再往前。The star of my medicine cabinet is the humble aspirin.我家药柜里的压箱宝要算是那不起眼的阿司匹林。I would never invite him to my house again—not for all the tea in China.我以后再也不会邀请他来我家,无论如何都不。Our sewing machine is still going strong.我家的缝纫机还是好好的。In a moment of madness, I agreed to have the party at my house.我一时糊涂,同意在我家搞聚会。His family, if anything, was poorer than mine.如果有区别的话,他家比我家更穷。I resented this intrusion into my domestic affairs.我讨厌这种对我家事的干涉。Several generations of my family have been schoolteachers.我家好几代人都是教师。A real live film star was standing on my doorstep.一个活生生的电影明星就站在我家门阶上。The plants in our garden vegetate vigorously.我家园子里的草木在茁壮生长。The scenery in my hometown is beautiful beyond expression.我家乡的景色美得无法形容。Two of my friends came by unexpectedly, and we had an impromptu little party in my kitchen.我的两位朋友突然到访,于是我们在我家厨房临时搞了个小型聚会。Would it be bad for you if we met at my house instead of yours?我们在我家而不是你家见面,对你来说不方便吗?My sister is the baby of the family.妹妹在我家年纪最小。She turned up at my house late one night.一天深夜她突然来到我家The restaurant is conveniently located just a few minutes from my house.那家餐馆离我家只有几分钟的路程,很方便。While you're under my roof, you have to live by my rules.只要你住在我家,就得听从我的规矩。My family wasn't wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.我家再怎么说也算不上富裕。They turned up at my house and one of them pulled out a shooter.他们来到我家,其中一个掏出一支枪来。If that man comes to the house again, I'll make it warm for him.假如那人再来我家,我就要给他点颜色看。 Your puppy's just pooped right outside my front door.你的小狗刚在我家前门外拉屎了。




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