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词汇 成百上千
例句 The threat of homelessness hangs over hundreds of families.成百上千的家庭面临着无家可归的威胁。Hundreds of families are struggling to get/put their lives back in order after the earthquake.地震过后,成百上千的家庭正努力恢复生活秩序。Hundreds of kids are sleeping rough on the streets of the capital.成百上千的孩子露宿在首都街头。There were hundreds and hundreds of people there.那儿有成百上千的人。Hundreds of letters inundated the office.成百上千的信件涌进办公室。Hundreds of refugees are pouring over the border.成百上千的难民涌过边境。Squirrels bury hundreds of nuts, then dig them up in winter when food is scarce.松鼠把成百上千的坚果藏起来,然后在冬天食物缺乏的时候再挖出来吃。During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.在暴乱中成百上千的人纷纷趁机偷窃财物。Hundreds of volunteers have come forward to offer their help.成百上千的人自告奋勇要来帮忙。The hurricane unleashed its fury on hundreds of homes and businesses.飓风猛烈地袭击了成百上千的民宅和商铺。His funeral services attracted hundreds of mourners.他的葬礼上有成百上千的吊唁者。Hundreds of people rang in to complain about his remarks.成百上千的人打电话来对他的话表示不满。Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms was more widespread.如果在更广的范围内安装报警器,就可能挽救成百上千的生命。Hundreds of fireworks burst simultaneously in mid-air.成百上千的烟花在半空同时绽放。Europa House is one of those hundreds of nondescript buildings along the Bath Road.欧罗巴大楼是巴斯大道沿路那些成百上千幢毫无特色的建筑之一。Hundreds of refugees fled across the border to escape the fighting.成百上千的难民为了躲避战争逃过了国境线。Hundreds of fans romped through the streets.成百上千的球迷欢快地走过街头。Hundreds of people were slaughtered by the invaders.侵略者屠杀了成百上千人。At the beach are hundreds of bare bodies exposed to the sun's damaging rays.海滩上,成百上千的人们赤身露体地在有伤害作用的阳光下暴晒。The committee's dilatory actions caused the loss of hundreds of jobs.委员会迟迟不行动导致成百上千人失业。Many hundreds of vessels pass through the straits each year.每年有成百上千艘船通过海峡。Hundreds of letters streamed in from listeners.成百上千封听众来信纷纷涌来。At that time, hundreds of women were burned at the stake for witchcraft.那时候成百上千的妇女因施巫术在火刑柱上被烧死。There are hundreds of poisonous spiders and snakes.毒蜘蛛和毒蛇成百上千Hundreds of refugees collapsed from hunger and thirst.成百上千的难民饥渴难耐瘫倒在地。Hundreds of Serbs managed to flee the besieged city.成百上千的塞尔维亚人设法逃出了那座被包围的城市。Hundreds of fans clamoured / clamored to catch a glimpse of the star.成百上千的粉丝吵着要求一睹明星的风采。Hundreds of fireworks burst simultaneously in midair.成百上千朵烟花在半空中同时绽放。Hundreds of Indian jawans were on their way to join duty in the state.成百上千的印度士兵在回邦销假报到的路上。They put out millions of pairs of shoes a year.他们一年生产成百上千万双鞋。Hundreds of people had died there in terrible circumstances during and after the revolution.在革命期间和其后的恶劣形势下,那里有成百上千的人死去。Hundreds of people died there in terrible circumstances.成百上千的人死于那样的恶劣条件。There are millions of hungry people throughout the world.全世界有成百上千万的饥民。People in the drought-stricken region are dying by the hundreds.旱灾地区的人成百上千地死去。The flooding forced hundreds of residents to flee their homes.洪水迫使成百上千的居民逃离家园。Hundreds of callers jammed the BBC switchboard for more than an hour.在一个多小时内,成百上千的来电使得英国广播公司的总机应接不暇。The studio received hundreds of unsolicited audition tapes from hopeful actors.电影公司收到了成百上千名满怀希望的演员主动寄来的试演录像带。Hundreds of valuable books had gone up in smoke.成百上千的珍贵书籍付之一炬。He was held in great affection by hundreds of students.他深受成百上千学生的爱戴。Hundreds of trucks full of fruit and vegetables trundle across the border each day.每天都有成百上千辆满载水果、蔬菜的卡车慢慢驶过边界。




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