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词汇 成功
例句 Efforts to placate local government officials have thus far failed.安抚地方政府官员的努力迄今为止无一成功The party was heralded as a great success by all.这次聚会被所有的人称赞为一次成功的聚会。She built a successful career in advertising.她在广告业开创了成功的事业。I've never been able to reproduce the success of my first book.我再也没有能取得像我第一本书获得的那样的成功These two young men have enjoyed undreamed-of success with their first album.这两位小伙子第一张专辑就获得意想不到的成功There's no royal road to success in this trade.干这一行想成功是没有捷径的。The successful are often tempted to regard their success as a kind of reward.成功人士往往倾向于将成功看作一种奖赏。Be on guard against those who are jealous of your success.要提防那些嫉妒你的成功的人。The play has been a remarkable success.这出剧取得了令人瞩目的成功Sadly, their success was just a flash in the pan.不幸的是,他们的成功仅仅是昙花一现。There's been a significant investment of time and energy in order to make the project a success.为了这个项目的成功,已经投入了大量的时间和精力。It wouldn't be fair to raise her hopes of success.让她抱有成功的希望并不公平。If we pull together, success is certain.如果我们通力合作,肯定能够成功He was proud of her success.他为她的成功感到自豪。Why should a successful company allow another firm to pick its brains?为什么一个成功的企业就得允许别的公司来讨教呢?Much of the success of a product comes down to presentation.一个产品的成功大部分可归结为包装。His success was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. 他的成功仅仅是天时地利的缘故。They couldn't have succeeded without a good deal of luck. 要不是因为运气特好,他们不可能成功She's very ambitious but I doubt she'll ever make it to the top.她很有抱负,但我怀疑她究竟能否成功They are on the road to success.他们正在走向成功If the record is successful, it could open doors for my career.这张唱片如能获得成功,那就可以为我的事业打开成功之门。He was a successful basketball coach, but many people regarded him as a petty despot.他是个成功的篮球教练,但很多人视他为小霸王。His wife's encouragement was the spur he needed to succeed.妻子的鼓励是他走向成功所必需的动力。She is credited with making the business a success.公司的成功归功于她。Education is vital to help these children to move up the career ladder.要帮助这些孩子获得事业上的成功,教育是至关重要的。We expected that you would succeed.我们预计你会成功的。These factors operated to our success.这些因素促使我们成功The show was a raging success.这个节目获得了巨大的成功Success brings its own problems.成功本身带来一些问题。I never doubted their ultimate success. 我从未怀疑过他们最终会成功Luck played an important part in their success. 他们的成功大部分是由于运气。Their success apparently took the starch out of the opposition.他们的成功明显地使其对手泄了气。Most couples would agree that for a marriage to succeed, both parties have to work at it.大多数夫妻都会认同,婚姻的成功需要双方的努力。I approved the doctor's order to keep him in the room till he was dried out.我同意遵医嘱将他关在屋子里直到他戒酒成功She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Qomolangma, and she almost succeeded.她想成为第一位登上珠穆朗玛峰的女性,而且她也差一点就成功了。The ball was bobbled momentarily, allowing Holloway to race home.球一时间漏了,使得霍洛韦跑垒成功The quarterback threw two touchdown passes in the first half of the game.上半场四分卫两次成功传球给队友达阵得分。Real commitment is needed from everyone on the team if we're going to make this project work.我们想要使这个项目成功的话,就需要小组内每一个成员真正的奉献精神。McGuigan defended his title in Dublin.麦圭根在都柏林卫冕成功If we all hang together, our plan will succeed.如果我们团结起来,我们的计划就会成功




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