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词汇 懂得
例句 He got the punishment he deserved. That'll teach him to lie to me. 他受到了应有的惩罚,那使他懂得不能对我撒谎。Perhaps the most important lesson to be learned is that you simply cannot please everyone.也许最应吸取的教训就是懂得众口难调。He appreciates that co-operation with the media is part of his professional duties.懂得与媒体合作是自己工作职责的一部分。In time you'll learn everything doesn't have to be black or white.总有一天你会懂得世间一切事物并不是非黑即白的。He knows quite a little about gambling.他对赌博之道懂得不少。He discovered, to his mortification, that his son knew much more about the subject than he did.使他感到没面子的是,他发现关于这门学科儿子远远比他懂得多。He knows the basic holds of judo.懂得柔道的基本擒拿技巧。He's a skilful player with a good turn of pace.他是一位懂得变换节奏、技术娴熟的选手。He'll come to realize it one day.他总有一天会懂得这一点。Their daughter's death had taught them humility.女儿去世使他们懂得了做人要谦逊。Which computer languages do you know?懂得哪些计算机编程语言?The Spanish really know how to party.西班牙人真懂得如何狂欢。Make sure your children know about road safety.确保孩子们懂得交通安全知识。Some people don't know the courtesies due an old man.有些人不懂得应该如何尊敬老人。At last it's come home to me how much I owe to my parents.我终于懂得父母给我的恩惠是多么大。He knew a good deal more than I did.懂得比我多很多。A student of modern languages who has a knowledge of Latin is one-up on a student who has not.学习现代语言的学生,如懂得拉丁语,要比不懂拉丁语的学生占优势。He certainly knows how to pull women.他的确懂得如何勾引女人。She has no idea how to colour a picture – she just scribbles all over it.她不懂得怎么给图画填色,只是满纸乱涂。You have to take your hat off to Uncle George, for he knows how to do business.你必须向乔治叔叔脱帽致敬,他懂得如何做生意。You could try Monica – she knows a lot about gardening.你可以找莫妮卡谈谈,她在园艺方面懂得可多了。Another accusation is that he does not understand ordinary people.另有指责说他不懂得体恤百姓。I fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden that's on his shoulders.我热诚地希望他能认识到并懂得自己肩负的重任。They need someone like you, someone who understands business methods.他们需要像你这样懂得经营方法的人。He understands the traditional virtue of hard work.懂得勤劳这一传统美德。Raising your child to tell the difference between right and wrong is one of the fundamental tasks of parenthood.培养孩子懂得分辨是非是父母的基本任务之一。A good tennis player knows that follow-through is important in striking the ball.一个优秀网球运动员懂得在击球后随球动作很重要。Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.霍顿的软肋在于他不懂得放权。The aim is to inculcate business people with an appreciation of different cultures.目的是为了让商业人士懂得欣赏不同的文化。He knows how to handle a motorcycle.懂得如何开摩托车。A person with education knows how to write well.受过教育的人懂得怎样才能写好文章。He had never known true love until now.他直到现在才懂得什么是真爱。There is nothing to fixing a radio if you know how.你要是懂得窍门,修收音机并不难。Young people should be educated about the hazards of excessive drinking. 应该让年轻人懂得过度饮酒的危害。Don knows a fair bit about managing a company.唐非常懂得怎么管理公司。He found congenial officers who knew how to leaven war's rigours with riotous enjoyment.他找到了懂得用狂欢来冲淡战争的严酷的志趣相投的军官。Suddenly the teacher saw into Linda's strange actions.教师突然懂得了琳达为何行为那么古怪。I know he's only a child, but even so he should have known that what he was doing was wrong.我知道他只是个孩子,但即便如此,他也应该懂得他在做的事情是错的。Young folk these days don't know the meaning of work.如今的年轻人不懂得工作的意义。Her injury will teach her not to be so careless with a knife.这次受伤让她懂得用刀不能如此大意。




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