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例句 He felt pleasantly drowsy.感觉到令人愉悦的睡意。We felt the plane bank steeply as it changed direction.我们感觉到飞机转向时倾斜得很厉害。I had the feeling I wasn't really welcome.感觉到我其实不受欢迎。He felt a surge of recklessness.感觉到一阵不顾一切的冲动。She sensed a movement in the dark beneath the stairs.感觉到楼梯底下黑乎乎的地方有动静。You could taste the fear in the room.你可以感觉到屋子里的恐惧气氛。I was dimly aware that dozens of curious people were looking at us.我迷迷糊糊地感觉到有数十个人在好奇地看着我们。Many producers are beginning to feel the heat from their larger customers.许多生产商开始感觉到来自较大买主的压力。It will make you feel her superiority and your inferiority.这会让你感觉到她的优越,你的低劣。The heat from the blazing car could be felt several metres away.燃烧着的汽车所散发出的热力几米之外都可以感觉到Everyone had the feeling that disaster was imminent.每个人都感觉到灾难在逼近。The mere fact that he came to see her made her feel loved.他只是来看看她,这就使她感觉到自己有人爱。He sometimes finds life unsweet.他有时感觉到活在世上索然无味。The shock was felt miles away.数英里之外都感觉到了震动。I can feel the stretch in the back of my legs.我可以感觉到双腿后部肌肉的拉伸。She felt a flush of anger creeping into her face.感觉到自己开始气得脸色发红。He felt he would be put through the hoop.感觉到自己会受到苦难。He could feel their eyes following him.感觉到他们的目光在追随着自己。There was a general feeling that the country was in decline. 人们普遍感觉到那个国家正在衰败。He could feel how damp his shirt was against his chest.感觉到潮乎乎的衬衫贴在胸前。He felt a great deal of pain in his abdomen.感觉到腹部非常痛。His knees felt the coolness of the tiled floor.他的膝盖感觉到地板砖有些凉。She felt a fish nibble at the end of her fishing line.感觉到鱼在轻咬钓线的尾钩。Sensing that the team was losing their concentration, Barret called a time out.巴雷特感觉到球队分神了,于是要求暂停。Though heavily sedated, she had a dim awareness of what was happening.尽管用了大量镇静剂,她还迷迷糊糊地感觉到正在发生些什么。You can feel the slight craziness of the tower in a strong wind.在强风中你能够感觉到塔在轻轻摇晃。Many athletes feel the effects of air pollution during outdoor exercise.许多运动员在户外运动时都感觉到了空气污染的影响。I am conscious of your great kindness to me.感觉到了你对我的善意。Some people experience bursts of energy and creativity in the spring.有些人在春天感觉到精力和创造力的涌动。I could feel the colour rush to my cheeks.感觉到我的脸刷地红了。I had the vague impression that they were withholding information.我隐约感觉到他们隐瞒了信息。The same heavy, brooding silence descended on them.他们也感觉到了同样沉重压抑的寂静。It was getting late and I was starting to feel a bit empty.天色晚了,我开始感觉到肚子有点儿饿。I felt the breeze on my face.感觉到微风拂面。The new manager obviously felt the need to demonstrate her authority.新来的经理明显感觉到有必要展示一下她的权力。I was reluctant to trust the evidence of my senses.我不愿意相信我感觉到的迹象。When you have children you will find that you are always having to dip your hand into your pocket.当你有了孩子后你会感觉到老是得要花钱。There was a threat of winter in the air.从空气中可以感觉到寒冬即将来临。I could feel my cheeks burning as I spoke.我说话的时候感觉到自己的脸烧得发烫。As the lens becomes more opaque, the patient notices a falling off in vision.随着晶状体变得更浑浊,病人会感觉到视力减弱。




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