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例句 The visit is intended to keep Anglo-American relations in good repair.这次访问意在使英美关系保持良好。The menu was designed to appeal to both children and adults.这份菜单意在吸引小孩和大人。The report was a whitewash of the scandal.这篇报道意在掩盖丑闻。It's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters.这一竞选政策意在吸引郊区和小城镇选民。Registration of voters is designed to avoid repeating.选民登记意在防止重复投票。The attack was designed to block enemy supply lines.这次进攻意在截断敌军的补给线。He knew they meant to kill him.他知道他们意在置他于死地。These tracks were calculated to be controversial and attract attention to the album.这些曲子意在引起争议,吸引人们关注这张专辑。I am writing to correct factual inaccuracies contained in your article.我写此信意在纠正您文章中与事实有出入的地方。The page, with its large, readable type and wide margins, was designed to invite reading.书页上印有大而清晰的字体,两边留出宽绰的空白,意在吸引读者。The ads are intended to increase public awareness of the risks of smoking.这些广告意在提高民众对于吸烟的危害的认识。Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.许多理论都意在以单一原因解释生长。The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.首相意在重申他的权威。He released a statement designed to pre-empt criticism.他发表了一份声明,意在封杀批评。The advertisement is meant to induce people to eat more fruit.这则广告意在劝诱人们多吃水果。The prize is to honour him for his great discoveries.奖品意在表彰他的重大发现。The movie ends with scenes that are supposed to leave us pondering its meaning.这部电影结尾的场景意在让我们自己去思索其含义所在。The survival course was intended as a team-building exercise.生存课程意在建设团队。His comments were meant to forestall criticism of his proposal.他的评论意在阻止人们对他的提案进行批评。The trial was meant as an advertisement for British justice.这场审判意在为英国司法作宣传。The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves.诗中描绘的自然景象意在让人联想到景象以外的现实。The choice was meant to create an impression of party unity.这个选择意在给人一种党内团结的印象。The use of hard surfaces in the garden is intended to reduce maintenance.花园采用硬质地面意在减少养护费用。She looked at her watch to remind him of the time.她看了看表,意在提醒他注意时间。Today's announcement was intended as a warning.今天的通报意在发出警告。Her remarks were intended to scotch rumours of imminent job losses.她的话意在制止即将裁员的谣言。The bombing campaign appears aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France.这次轰炸看起来意在切断德国和占领法国的德军部队之间的补给线。The statement clearly was intended to caution Seoul against attempting to block the council's action again.声明显然意在警告首尔不要再试图阻碍理事会的行动。His speech was designed to give himself more political elbow room.他的演讲意在为自己争取更多的政治空间。Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings.他们在该地区的行动是精心谋划的,意在恐吓土地所有者放弃手中的地产。The heavy penalties are designed to make people think twice before committing a crime.这些严厉的刑罚意在使人在犯罪前三思。I am writing this letter to rebut the suggestion that I have failed in my duty.本人写此信意在驳斥所谓本人不曾尽职的暗示。The army's test is meant to set a baseline for physical fitness.军方的测试意在为体能制定一个标准。I'm not suggesting you deliberately tried to mislead us, just that you made a mistake.我并不是说你有意在误导我们,只是说你搞错了。The information is for the instruction of passengers.这些信息意在为乘客提供指导。The diagram is meant to show the different stages of the process.这个图表意在显示整个过程的各个不同阶段。His intention in inviting us to dinner was to persuade us to back his project.他邀请我们共进晚餐,意在劝说我们支持他的计划。He accused James of mischief-making by raising allegations against Mr Aitken.他指责詹姆斯先生控告艾特肯先生意在挑拨离间。The government intends to wind the scheme down in the spring.政府有意在早春时节将这个计划逐渐收尾。He intends to see that justice is done; he's not a lawyer for nothing.意在申张正义,他这律师可不是白当的。




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