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I have always liked understated clothes.我一直喜欢不太惹眼的衣服。In Japan a European stands out like a sore thumb.欧洲人到了日本会极为惹眼。Her eye make-up was very striking.她的眼影非常惹眼。She sat down very conspicuously in my line of sight.她非常惹眼地在我视线范围内坐下来。Equally obtrusive was the graffiti that had started to appear.同样惹眼的还有刚开始出现的涂鸦。In China, her blonde hair was conspicuous.在中国,她的金发十分惹眼。The bird has a conspicuous red head.这种鸟的红色头部很惹眼。 |