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Civil war seems increasingly likely unless the government comes up with a solution.政府若不想出办法来解决,内战似乎越来越有可能发生。She may have contrived to keep her peaches and cream complexion.她也许已想出办法来保持自己白皙红润的肤色。If you could ever figure out how to market this you'd make a fortune.如果能想出办法来推销这个东西,你就发财了。Then, bingo! The idea hit me.嗨,有了!我想出办法啦。Can you devise a means of overcoming the problem?你能想出办法解决这个难题吗?They believe he'll figure out a way to make it work.他们相信他会想出办法让它发挥作用。 |