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词汇 惩处
例句 He was punished for his temerity.他因自己的鲁莽而受到惩处The juvenile offender's misbehaviour should be well treated, as opposed to punished.对少年犯的不轨行为应妥善处置,而不是进行惩处They will automatically penalize any country which steps out of line.他们必然会对任何越轨的国家加以惩处Delegates wrestled with the problems of violence and sanctions.代表们试图解决暴力与惩处的问题。Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished.正义得到伸张;罪人受到了惩处The anti-noise group recommended sanctions against those factories that still offended.反噪声组织建议惩处仍在违犯的工厂。The verdict seemed to be impunity.看来裁决可能是免予惩处Paramilitaries mete out a brutal brand of vigilante justice.准军事组织成员不留情面地进行治安惩处A little discipline would do them a lot of good.略加惩处对他们将大有好处。The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.总统称毒品正在危害整个世界,任何非法贩卖毒品的人都应依法受到惩处She was punished for giving false witness.她因作伪证受到惩处The law prescribes certain penalties for this offence.法律对这种违法行为规定了某些惩处办法。They discovered his crime and punished him for it.他们发现了他的罪行并因此惩处了他。The pendulum has swung back in favour of stricter penalties.在摇摆不定间人们又转向支持更严厉的惩处He now faces disciplinary action and more questions on his mental state.他现在面临纪律惩处和更多对他精神状况的质疑。This juvenile offender received no more than a judicial slap on the wrist.这名少年犯只被轻轻惩处了一下。The fine was just a slap on the wrist.罚款只是轻微惩处Dr Oliver could face disciplinary action after the case is heard.奥利弗医生在案子审理后可能受到惩处The board has the right to adjudicate on the punishment of prisoners.委员会有权裁定对囚犯的惩处Drivers who park their cars illegally, particularly obstructing traffic flow, deserve to be punished.非法停车的司机,尤其是那些阻断交通的,应当予以惩处He deserves to be punished with the full rigour of the law.他应受法律最严厉的惩处We think the punishment is unfair.我们认为这样的惩处不公平。Criminals should be dealt with severely.罪犯应该受到严厉惩处It's astonishing that these criminals are free to walk the streets with impunity.令人惊讶的是,这些罪犯可以招摇过市而不受惩处Fans who make trouble during the World Cup will be severely dealt with.世界杯期间制造骚乱的球迷将受到严厉惩处




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