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I was left hanging, not knowing whether I'd got the job.我被悬着,不知道是否得到了这份工作。I'm still waiting to hear if I got the job. The suspense is killing me.我还在等消息,不知道我是否得到了那份工作。这样悬着心让人难受死了。In the corner of the room was a large lamp, hanging from the ceiling.房间一角的天花板上悬着一盏大吊灯。Come on - don't keep us in suspense - who won?好啦—别让我们心悬着—谁赢了?The suspense was terrible.心老是悬着真是不好受。A crescent moon hung low over the lake.就在湖水的上方悬着一弯新月。I was on the edge of my seat from the beginning of the movie to the end.这部电影从头到尾我都悬着一颗心在看。We were worried about the lifeboat which was not lashed down.我们为那艘没有系牢的救生艇悬着心。Agatha Christie keeps the reader on tenterhooks until the final pages of the story.阿加莎·克里斯蒂总是让读者悬着一颗心看到小说的最后几页。I don't know who won and the suspense is killing me. 我不知道谁赢了。心老悬着我真受不了。 |