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词汇 悉尼
例句 The package includes a tour of Sydney's famous Opera House.该包价旅游行程包括游览悉尼那座著名的歌剧院。The ship put in at Sydney.那艘船在悉尼靠了岸。The cost of getting there is mitigated by Sydney's offer of a subsidy.悉尼提供了补贴,所以到那里去的费用就没那么贵了。The town is midway between Brisbane and Sydney.这个镇子在布里斯班和悉尼的中间。Sydney was afire with Olympic enthusiasm.悉尼全城因奥运会而激情澎湃。It would be a crime to travel all the way to Australia and not stop in Sydney.千里迢迢前往澳大利亚却不在悉尼逗留,那将是大错特错。The region can be reached in two hours by air from Sydney.悉尼坐飞机不到两个小时就可以到达这个地区。We'll be going over to Sydney for live coverage in just a couple of minutes.几分钟后我们将转到悉尼进行现场直播。We're an international company with offices in Paris, New York, and Sydney.我们是一家跨国公司,在巴黎、纽约和悉尼都有办事处。The cost of getting there is mitigated by Sydney's offer of a subsidy.由于悉尼提供补助金,所以到那里的花费就减少了。Actor Sidney Poitier was honoured with a Life Achievement Award.演员悉尼·波特获授终身成就奖。Look me up next time you come to Sydney.你下次到悉尼时要来看我。Today Mahoney booked himself into one of the best hotels in Sydney.今天,马奥尼登记入住了悉尼最豪华的一家酒店。The flight was en route from Tokyo to Sydney when it experienced engine trouble.这个从东京到悉尼的航班在途中出现了引擎故障。In the morning Mr McDonald departed for Sydney.麦克唐纳先生上午启程前往悉尼She was very unhappy at the idea of staying in Sydney.她很不愿意待在悉尼I just wanted to explore Paris, read Sartre, listen to Sidney Bechet.我就想逛逛巴黎,读读萨特的作品,听听悉尼·贝谢的音乐。The plane touched down in Sydney at midday.飞机于正午时分在悉尼着陆。The merger will mean the closure of the company's Sydney office.这次合并意味着公司在悉尼的办事处要关闭。Looks like they really won big in Sydney.看起来好像他们真的在悉尼赢得了极大胜利。In the morning Mr McDonald departs for Sydney.早上麦克唐纳先生出发去悉尼Our aim is to make Sydney the musical metropolis of the world.我们的目标是使悉尼成为世界的音乐大都会。You can email Richard in Sydney.你可以发电子邮件到悉尼给理查德。They had told her she would be overnighting in Sydney.他们已经告知她,说要在悉尼过夜。Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the perks of living in Sydney.一些最好的电影院和剧院就近在咫尺,这是在悉尼生活所享受的便利之一。They are canvassing the possibility of opening an office in Sydney.他们正探讨在悉尼开设办事处的可能性。The firm has an agent in Sydney who deals with the Australian side of the business.这家公司在悉尼有代理人处理在澳大利亚方面的业务。She was first violin with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.她是悉尼交响乐团的首席小提琴手。I was pressed for time in my few days in Sydney, and did not have the opportunity to explore the city.我在悉尼的几天时间很紧,没机会去考察这个城市。They were astounded to hear that I was still in Sydney.他们听说我还在悉尼,非常震惊。He could have died after developing deep vein thrombosis during a flight to Sydney.他在一次飞往悉尼的航行中得了深静脉血栓,险些丧命。Sydney's attitude towards his own preferment was ambivalent.悉尼对自己能优先晋升的态度是矛盾的。His parents paid his fare to Sydney.他父母为他支付了去悉尼的机票。You can't travel all the way to Australia and not stop in Sydney.不远万里到了澳大利亚却不在悉尼稍作停留,这怎么行。The play is an Americanized version of a Sydney hit.这是那部在悉尼轰动一时的剧目的美国版。Can you locate Sidney on the map?你能在地图上指出悉尼的位置吗?Redgrave collected his fifth Olympic gold medal in Sydney.雷德格雷夫在悉尼获得了他的第五枚奥运会金牌。A small contingent of English fans had made the trip to Sydney to support their team.一个小小的英格兰球迷代表团前往悉尼支持自己的球队。Violence in Sydney has entered a whole new ballpark.悉尼的暴力活动进入了一个全新阶段。The Sydney-based pool constructor has had its trading licence suspended.那家总部在悉尼的水池建筑公司被吊销了营业执照。




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