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词汇 churned
例句 The rainstorm churned up the rivers so they ran brown with silt.暴风雨把河流搅得翻滚起来,因此泛黄的河流夹杂着泥沙奔流而去。Running into his old girlfriend churned up a lot of buried feelings.和过去女朋友的邂逅激起他埋在心底的诸多感情。The water of the lake churned in the storm.湖面在暴风雨中浪花翻滚。The violence in the movie churned my stomach.影片中的暴力场面使我感到恶心。Her mind churned as she tried to think of a way out of her predicament.她思绪翻腾,试图想出一个摆脱困境的办法。The lawn had been churned up by the tractor.草坪被拖拉机破坏了。The waters were churned by ships moving constantly back and forth.江水为不断往返的船只搅动得浪花翻滚。Overhead, the chopper roared and the big blades churned the air.头顶上,直升机在呼啸,巨大的螺旋桨叶片搅动着空气。Then the stream, swollen by the rain, churned and fretted in its choked path.之后那溪流在雨水的作用下上涨,在被堵塞的河道中不断翻滚、泛起波浪。The ship's propeller churned the waves to foam.那条船的推进器把水浪搅动得泡沫四起。The water churned all around us.水在我们周围翻腾。The sea was churned up by heavy winds.狂风搅得大海白浪滔天。The oars had churned up the mud, clouding the water.船桨搅起烂泥,水变得一片浑浊。When cream is churned, clots form.用搅乳器搅拌时,奶油便凝结成块。My stomach churned as I stood up.我站起来时感觉一阵反胃。Ideas churned in his head.各种想法在他的头脑中翻腾。The motorboats churned the water.汽艇卷起了水花。Though she looked calm, in reality she was churned up inside.她虽然看起来很平静,但实际上心里非常气愤。The recent rain had churned up the waterfall into a muddy whirlpool.最近的一场雨把瀑布搅成了泥水漩涡。The horse's hooves churned up the sod.马蹄翻起了草皮。




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