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词汇 恶意
例句 Mr Jameson dismissed the allegations as malicious rumours.詹姆森先生把那些指控当作恶意的诽谤,置之不理。There certainly wasn't any malice in her comments.她的话绝对没有任何恶意I searched my soul for any malice that could have provoked his words, but found none.我扪心自问并无任何恶意激怒他说出这番话。It was a vicious tackle, and the referee couldn't let it go unpunished.这是恶意的拦截,裁判员不会置之不理的。Scurrilous and untrue stories were being invented.有人在捏造一些恶意诋毁的虚假传闻。She did it from pure malice.她做这事纯粹是恶意She described the shooting as a wicked attack.她称那次枪击为恶意袭击。Someone has been spreading nasty rumours about Stella's private life.有人一直在散布关于斯特拉私人生活的恶意传闻。There's a nasty sort of rumour going around about it.关于这件事正有一则恶意的谣言在流传。This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very shocked.这是一次恶意袭击,那女人仍然惊骇不已。The Foreign Office dismissed the story as mischievous and false.外交部驳斥该报道为恶意报道,不符合事实。He has no malice towards Kevin.他对凯文没有一点儿恶意She has repeatedly tried to defend her husband against hostile criticism in the press.她一再试图对报界恶意的批评为丈夫作辩护。He looks harmless enough.他看上去应该没有什么恶意I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks.我察觉他的话中带有一点恶意Her reputation has been hurt by malevolent gossip.恶意的流言损害了她的名声。This is not caused by evil, but by simple ignorance.这并不是恶意而为,只是由于无知。The victim suffered a vicious battering.受害者被恶意袭击。He sent a nasty letter/e-mail to the company.他给公司发了一封恶意信件/电子邮件。Malicious gossip can soil a person's reputation.恶意的流言蜚语会损害一个人的名誉。There was a relish of malice in his speech.他言辞中带有一点儿恶意It's easier than you think to inadvertently download a malicious Trojan horse.因为疏忽而下载恶意木马,这比你想象的要容易。She didn't bear him any ill will.她对他不抱任何恶意A mischievous meaning was apparent.恶意是显而易见的。There was no mistaking the venom in his voice.他的声音中明显透着恶意The question appeared innocuous enough, but I still did not trust her.那个问题似乎没什么恶意,不过我仍然不信任她。Despite the increasingly hostile sideswipes at him, the Chancellor is secure in his post.尽管有越来越多的人借机恶意抨击财政大臣,他的职位仍很稳固。Someone is conducting a vicious campaign of false rumours against the Royal Family.有人在恶意散布对皇室不利的谣言。The airline has reduced its prices so sharply that it has been accused of predatory pricing.这家航空公司降价非常厉害,被指恶意价格竞争。Spiteful gossip ~d the two old friends.恶意的流言蜚语离间了这对老朋友。Even remarks that were quite innocent could be twisted to produce an unintended effect.即便完全没有恶意的话都会被歪曲,产生并非说话人本意的效果。Many teachers saw the statement as a vicious slander on their profession.许多教师把这一言论看作是对他们职业的恶意诋毁。I firmly believe our strategy is being deliberately, cynically manipulated.我坚信我们的策略正在被人存心恶意操纵。She is a big tease, but she doesn't mean anything by it.她很爱戏弄人,但她并没有什么恶意She launched a vitriolic attack against us.她向我们发起了一场言辞恶意的攻击。He complained that he'd been receiving malicious phone calls.他抱怨说他接二连三地接到恶意骚扰电话。He bears you no malice. If you like, I'll just step in and take soundings.他对你不抱恶意。如果你乐意的话,我可插手去试探一下。She spitefully burst the little boy's balloon.恶意戳破小男孩的气球。Please don't flame me if you disagree with this message.如果您不同意此郵件的内容,也请不要给我发送恶意回信。Pack it in. Stop being spiteful.别闹了,不要恶意伤人。




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