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The whole visit was something of a disaster, and he was still recovering from it months later.整个访问以惨败告终,几个月之后他心里还没恢复平静。She struggled to recover her equilibrium.她极力恢复平静。I paused to take three deep breaths to restore my equilibrium.我停下来,深呼吸了三次来恢复平静。Stopping only briefly to regain her composure, she described her agonising ordeal.她只停顿了一小会儿让自己恢复平静,然后讲述了她无比痛苦的经历。Police tried to restore calm after the riot.暴乱之后,警方尽力让时局恢复平静。The streets of the capital are now quiet again, after three weeks of heavy fighting.三周激战过后,首都的街道现已恢复平静。Calm is returning to the country.这个国家正在恢复平静。 |