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Stop worrying about what you're feeling. Let yourself go.不要总想着自己是什么感觉。放轻松点。Why does she constantly try to score off her sister?她为什么总想跟她妹妹抬杠?She always wanted to join the circus. 她总想加入马戏团。You always try to cast me as the villain.你总想把我说成坏人。He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth.他承认自己缺乏动力,总想犯懒。This should save her from boredom and will also relieve the pressure on you to keep her entertained.这能使她不会感到厌倦,而且也会减轻你的压力,不必总想着逗她开心。They are always trying to wring additional funds from the government.他们总想从政府手中争取到额外资金。Don't try to thrust yourself in others' business!别总想探听别人的事! He always wanted to sit in his room scribbling poetry.他总想坐在屋子里写诗。She always tries to impose her own ideas on the rest of the team.她总想把自己的想法强加给团队其他成员。Don't dwell upon your mistakes.不要总想着你的错误。He always wants to be in control. 他总想要当拍板的人。After the first three months of the pregnancy were over, I just couldn't stop thinking about food.怀孕的头三个月过后,我简直是忍不住地总想吃东西。If you have itchy feet, then you are unlikely to be fully satisfied in your job.如果你总想着跳槽,那么你对工作不大可能完全满意。They have a tendency to try to sidetrack you from your task.他们总想让你在工作上分心。Anything new or peculiar puts us upon the lookout to detect a possible absurdity.任何新奇的事物一出现,我们总想要找找有没有不合情理之处。I've always wanted to try hang gliding.我总想尝试一下悬挂式滑翔运动。She is always fishing for compliments. 她总想让人夸赞她。He's just some sad-sack writer trying to get a book published.他只是一个总想着要出本书,但永远成功不了的作家。My aunt was forever pairing me off with unsuitable men.我姨妈总想把我和不合适的男人配成一对。When my sister was little, she always wanted to play school.我妹妹小时候总想玩上学游戏。He always wants to be one of the boys, but he's too young to join the gang.他总想成为那些男孩子中的一员,但他太小了,不能加入到那一伙里面。She's always wanted to go ballooning.她总想乘坐热气球飞行。Gracious hosts always try to make their guests comfortable.殷勤的主人总想设法让他们的客人舒适。He is always ready to show his paces.他总想显露自己的本领。I realised I had a big problem. I wanted to be all things to all people.我意识到我有个大毛病,我总想不得罪任何人。Kids always try to outdo each other in attracting the teacher's attention.小孩子们总想比别人更能吸引老师的注意力。I always had an ambition to work overseas.我过去总想去国外工作。The child tried to grab anything in reach. 这个小孩总想去抓他能够到的东西。He is always ready to make a parade of his abilities.他总想炫耀自己的才能。She has an inclination to wear the breeches.她总想支配丈夫。Ashley's always wanted to go into modelling.阿什莉总想去当模特儿。 |