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词汇 性行为
例句 The program promoted sexual abstinence for young people.那档节目提倡年轻人节制性行为Parents decried the movie's emphasis on sex.家长们强烈谴责了这部电影对性行为的渲染。How many kids in this school are sexually active?这个学校有多少年轻学生性行为活跃?The Trobrand islanders are happy, sexually uninhibited people.特罗布里恩群岛上的居民天性愉快,性行为不受拘束。Sex before marriage is no longer taboo in western countries.婚前性行为在西方国家已不再是禁忌行为。The film explores male sexuality.该影片探究了男性的性行为The magazine shows people engaging in deviant sexual acts.杂志上写一些人性行为偏离常轨。Sexual acts do not necessarily lead to pregnancy, but pregnancy does not occur without coitus.性行为不一定导致怀孕,但没有性交合肯定就不会怀孕。It's not always true that young people have a more permissive attitude towards sex.说年轻人对性行为的态度更加开放,这并非总是对的。She denies they were ever intimate.她否认他们之间曾经有过性行为Some of the girls started having sex mainly because their boyfriends were pressuring them.一些女孩有了性行为主要是因为她们的男友在施加压力。Hilary doesn't believe in sex before marriage.希拉里不赞成婚前性行为She never had sexual intercourse before she was married.她婚前从未有过性行为Teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.例如,青少年的性行为可能并不是源于真正的情欲,而是出于一种对爱的需要。He denies that intimacy ever took place.他否认曾经发生过性行为The defendant did not have intimacy with her.被告并没有跟她发生过性行为They had unprotected sex.他们进行了无保护措施的性行为Risk of exposure to HIV increases with each casual encounter.每发生一次随意的性行为,感染艾滋病病毒的危险就增加一些。Fiona doesn't believe in having sex before marriage.菲奥娜不赞成婚前性行为He's against sex before marriage on principle.他出于道德准则反对婚前性行为I rejected the teaching that premarital sex was immoral.我反对宣扬婚前性行为不道德的说教。I took part in a study on human sexuality.我参与了一项对人类性行为的研究。Two new programs are being developed to help promote responsible sexual behavior.正在推出两项新计划来宣传负责任的性行为For most people, sex is the physical consummation of emotional and spiritual intimacy.对大多数人来说,性行为是情感与心灵交融的身体结合。Many people have the mistaken idea that AIDS cannot spread through heterosexual sex.许多人认为艾滋病不会通过异性性行为传播,这种想法是错误的。Attitudes towards sexuality have radically changed.对待性行为的态度发生了巨大的变化。Anyone thinking about having unprotected sex should think twice.想进行无保护措施的性行为的人都应该仔细考虑。Normative sexual behaviour in our society remains heterosexual.我们社会标准的性行为仍旧是异性间的。He had sex with a prostitute.他与一个妓女发生了性行为There is a lot of sex in her books.她写的书里有大量性行为描写。She denied having had sexual intercourse with him.她否认和他有过性行为He was forced to defend himself against charges of sexual misconduct.他被迫为自己辩护,驳斥不轨性行为的指控。He denied that he had a sexual relationship with her.他不承认曾与她发生过性行为




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