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She confessed that she had committed a minor sexual indiscretion.她承认自己在性关系方面犯有一次小过失。Love has nothing to do with sexual relations.爱情和性关系是两回事。He's never had sex with anyone but his wife.他除了妻子,从没和别的人发生过性关系。We didn't have intercourse.我们没有发生性关系。A man was found guilty yesterday of stabbing his wife after he became jealous of her cybersex relationship.一名男子因嫉恨妻子的网上性关系而将其刺伤,昨天他被判有罪。Their physical relationship had never been very good.他们的性关系始终都不是那么和谐。He shagged her last night.他昨晚和她发生了性关系。He denies that they were ever intimate. = He denies that he was ever intimate with her. 他否认与她有过性关系。He had sex with his girlfriend.他和女友发生了性关系。We went back to our hotel and screwed.我们回到酒店并发生了性关系。Anti-miscegenation laws prohibiting interracial sex and marriage predate the Declaration of Independence by more than a century.在独立宣言发表一个世纪前,就有反异族性关系和通婚的法律。He went to the docks to pick up a bit of rough trade.他到码头上去找搞同性关系的粗汉厮混。The couple had been having sexual relations for a year.这对夫妇在婚前就已经有一年的性关系了。In most cultures, sexual relations between adults and children are totally unacceptable.在大多数文化里,成人和儿童之间的性关系是绝对不能接受的。He had intercourse with three women on the same night.他在同一个晚上和三个女人发生了性关系。He asked me how many men I'd had.他问我与多少男人有过性关系。Their relationship was purely physical.他们之间纯粹是性关系。He has had his way with many women.他和许多女人有过性关系。No explicit mention of a sexual relationship is made.没有明确提到性关系。He claimed he had never gone to bed with her.他宣称从未与她发生过性关系。Many elderly people continue to have satisfying sexual relationships.许多老年人仍然有满意的性关系。There wasn't so much as a hint of nookie between them.他们之间没有发生过性关系的迹象。 |