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词汇 思维方式
例句 We can talk her round to our way of thinking.我们能说服她接受我们的思维方式He has a philosophical/inquiring turn of mind.他有哲学/探究的思维方式In some respects the African mind works rather differently from the occidental one.在某些方面,非洲人的思维方式与西方人相差甚远。The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind.那封信非常清楚地表明了一个变态者的思维方式Her deeds were not compatible with her ideology.她的行为与思维方式不一致。Your problem is that you are too conformist in your thinking.你的问题在于你的思维方式太墨守成规了。Ingrained attitudes and habitual ways of thinking are very difficult to change.根深蒂固的处世之道和惯常的思维方式是很难改变的。They tried to convert us to their way of thinking.他们试图让我们的思维方式跟他们的一致。Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.达尔文的进化论是划分新旧思维方式的分水岭。The greatest challenge for the Americans is understanding the mindset of Eastern Europeans.对于美国人来说,最大的挑战在于理解东欧人的思维方式I'm sure we can bring her around to our way of thinking.我确信我们能够让她接受我们的思维方式I found their work very much consonant with this way of thinking.我发现他们的工作与这种思维方式非常一致。Mary was of a far less intellectual cast of mind.玛丽的思维方式很不聪明。There are qualitative differences in the way children and adults think.孩子和成年人的思维方式有质的不同。The Socialist mode of thinking has left its imprint on all of us.社会党人的思维方式影响了我们大家。




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