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His move to the left was not a sudden leap but a natural working out of ideas.他转向左派不是一种骤变,而是思想意识的自然发展。He attributed the party's lack of success to an overemphasis on ideology and ideas.他将该党的失败归因于过分强调思想意识和理念。This is just one more defeat embedding itself in the consciousness of a people.这只不过是铭刻于一个民族思想意识中的又一次失败。He criticized the scheme on ideological grounds.他从思想意识的立场批评了该方案。Flaubert's narrator enters Emma Bovary's consciousness from time to time, to describe events from her point of view.福楼拜笔下的叙事者不时进入埃玛·包法利的思想意识之中,从她的角度来描述事件。 |