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词汇 怎能
例句 Traffic noise, pollution, huge concrete buildings - how can people survive in the urban jungle?到处都是交通噪声、污染和庞大的混凝土建筑——人们怎能在这样的都市丛林中生存呢?How do they get away with such stuff?他们做了这种事怎能逃脱惩罚?How can we dispel their doubts and fears?我们怎能消除他们的疑虑与恐惧? How can she be so heartless?怎能如此无情? How can we sit on the sidelines when thousands of innocent civilians are being killed.当成千上万的无辜平民遭到杀害时,我们怎能袖手旁观呢。How can you fling your wife away?怎能丢下妻子不顾呢? She's your own flesh and blood – how can you treat her like that?她可是你的骨肉,你怎能那样对待她呢?How could you be so rude? Have you no shame?怎能如此无礼?你就没有点儿羞耻心吗?After giving him such provocation, how can you be surprised that he's angry?这般惹恼了他之后,你又怎能怪他发怒呢? How could you do something so cruel to your own flesh and blood?怎能对自己的亲人做出如此残忍的事?Are we prepared to let this happen under our own roofs?我们怎能让这种事发生在自己的家里? How can you turn aside from suffering humanity?怎能对受苦受难的人们不闻不问呢?How can you believe such a brazen lie?怎能相信如此厚颜无耻的谎言? How can you divorce the issues of environmental protection and overpopulation?怎能把环境保护和人口过剩这两个议题割裂开来呢?How can you afford to eat in restaurants all the time?常常在餐厅吃饭,你怎能负担得起?How can you be a Christian and dispute the divinity of Jesus?你作为基督徒怎能怀疑基督的神性呢?How has Jan put up with him for so long?怎能容忍他那么久?How can you inflict such cruelty on a child?怎能如此虐待一个孩子?How could you do such a nasty thing and still call yourself my friend?怎能干出这样卑鄙的事,竟还自称我的朋友?How can you be so cold and unfeeling?怎能如此冷漠无情呢?How could a human torture his fellow man?一个人怎能折磨他的同类?How could you jeopardize your career so senselessly?怎能如此无谓地危害自己的事业?How can we trust a government that mentions community care and cutbacks in the same breath?我们怎能相信这样的政府:一方面提倡社区关怀,同时又说要削减这方面的开支?How could she tolerate the men's frivolity?怎能忍受得了那男人的轻浮? Doris was inconsolable. How could her husband walk out on her like that?多丽丝悲痛欲绝,她丈夫怎能就这样抛弃了她呢?




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