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词汇 Christian
例句 She is an evangelical Christian.她是位福音派基督徒。Her husband is a Christian, but she is an unbeliever.她的丈夫是基督徒,但她不信基督教。I am not a religious fanatic but I am a Christian.我不是宗教狂热分子,但我是基督徒。At this time she decided to become a Christian and was baptised.她此时决定成为基督教徒并接受了浸礼。Ethiopia's art springs from her early Christian as well as her Muslim heritage.埃塞俄比亚艺术起源于其早期的基督教传统和伊斯兰教传统。His followers adhere to a blend of Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian teachings.他的追随者信奉佛教、印度教和基督教这三教教义的融合体。Springs and wells were decorated, a custom which was carried over into Christian times in Europe.泉眼和水井都进行装饰,这个习俗在欧洲一直延续到基督教时代。Their approach is firmly anchored in a Christian world view.他们的方式紧紧扎根于基督徒的世界观之中。The character Shylock is a Jew living in a predominantly Christian society.夏洛克这一角色是个在基督徒占绝大多数的社会中生活的犹太人。These ceremonies were already part of pre-Christian ritual in Mexico.这些仪式已经成为墨西哥基督教时期以前的宗教仪式的一部分。The book discusses the impact of Christian thinking on western society.这本书探讨了基督教思想对西方社会的影响。Because he was a Christian, the judge let him off.由于他是基督徒,法官便对他从轻发落。They are acting in a way that directly contradicts Christian beliefs.他们的行为方式完全背弃了基督教的信仰。Christian worship usually takes place on a Sunday.基督徒通常在周日做礼拜。The Christian image of the child being born in sin is an example of the model of the child as intrinsically bad.在基督教眼中,那些在罪恶中出生的孩子就是天生邪恶的一种孩子。Her favourite writer is Hans Christian Andersen.她最喜爱的作家是安徒生。She was a very strict Christian who was married to her job.她是个虔诚的基督徒,一心扑在工作上。He feels that his Christian beliefs and the principles of capitalism are diametrically opposed.他感到自己的基督教信仰和资本主义原理是截然相反的。The Judaeo-Christian tradition is diverse, jumbled, contradictory, at every point inviting inquiry and debate.犹太-基督教传统呈现多样化,混乱复杂,相互矛盾,在各个方面都会引发质疑和争论。Springs and wells were decorated, a custom which was carried over into Christian times in Europe.装饰泉眼和水井的习俗在欧洲一直延续到了基督教时代。I was brought up a nominal Christian.我成长为名不副实的基督徒。Booth was a revivalist intent on his Christian vocation.布思是一个坚定不移地奉行其基督徒天职的宗教复兴运动者。These are excellent results for the Christian Democratic Party.对基督教民主党而言,这是非常好的结果。What are the differences between Muslim and Christian ethics?伊斯兰教和基督教的伦理观有何区别?Christian Slater has a new movie coming out next month in which he plays a vigilante.克里斯汀·史莱特有一部新片下月发行,他在片中扮演一个治安维持会成员。He ignores the traditional Christian dualism between body and soul.他无视传统基督教的肉体与灵魂的二元论。Pre-Christian sacred geometry was incorporated into church architecture.西历纪元开始以前的神圣几何被运用于教堂建筑中。The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.公历最初是以罗马人的儒略历为基础制定的。She was a devout Christian.她是一个虔诚的基督徒。The early Christian Church was prejudiced against the Jews.早期的基督教会对犹太人抱有偏见。Dorothy was a very straight woman, a very strict Christian who was married to her job.多萝西是位非常传统的女性,一位严守教规的基督徒,一个工作狂。He believed in Christian values and the sanctity of marriage.他信仰基督教教义和婚姻的圣洁。The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.基督教历法最初是基于罗马人的儒略历。Christian Holy Week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover.基督教圣周和犹太教逾越节的头几天重叠。Virtue is not confined to the Christian world.善行并不仅限于基督教世界。He inherited his eloquence from his father, a Christian preacher.他继承了他那个当基督教传教士的父亲的口才。He was studying Christian liturgy.他在研究基督教的礼拜仪式。Luke is mentioned first, jumbling the usual order in Christian texts: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.先提及了《路加福音》,就把基督教里《马太福音》、《马可福音》、《路加福音》、《约翰福音》的正常顺序打乱了。We want to give him a decent Christian burial.我们想给他举行一个体面的基督教式的葬礼。He had rejected his daughter for marrying a Christian.他因女儿嫁了一个基督徒而一直对她很冷淡。




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