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词汇 christened
例句 The newspaper has christened her as the reigning Queen of Tennis.这家报纸将她誉为当今的网坛女王。The child was christened James.孩子在洗礼时被命名为詹姆斯。His fans christened him the king of rock.他的歌迷称他为摇滚歌王。They christened the child Joseph.他们给受洗的孩子取名为约瑟夫。We christened him "Slowcoach" because he took so long to do anything.我们给他起了个绰号叫“慢车”,因为他干什么都要花很长时间。Have you christened your new car yet?你那辆新车开过了没有? Charles II was christened in this church.查理二世是在这个教堂受洗的。They christened the baby Anna.他们给婴儿施洗,并取名安娜。They christened the new ball park with a win.他们以一场胜利为新棒球场剪彩。We had a tiny little room which was christened Hades.我们有一个非常小的房间,取名哈得斯。She was christened Jessica, but everyone calls her Jess.她的教名是杰茜卡,但大家都叫她杰丝。We haven't christened the new garden chairs yet.我们还未用过这些新的花园用椅。He was christened when he was three months old.他三个月大时就受洗了。She was christened Susan.她受洗时取名苏珊。They christened him Patrick John.他们给他起了教名,叫帕特里克·约翰。




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