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Paul and his helpers were called to be missionaries for Jesus Christ.保罗和他的助手感觉受到神召要他们去为耶稣基督当传教士。Jesus Christ was said to have performed miracles like turning water into wine.据说耶稣基督展示了奇迹,例如把水变成葡萄酒。The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history.耶稣的诞生是世界历史一个主要纪元的开始。The last sacrament represents the final step in Christ's spiritual journey.最后一项圣事象征着基督精神之旅的最后一程。Christ, it's pissing out there!天哪,外面正下着大雨呢!In some schools, Christmas carols are being modified to exclude any reference to Christ.某些学校正在对圣诞颂歌进行修改,删除提及耶稣的内容。Christ died on the cross.基督被钉死在十字架上。In the centuries following Christ's death, Christians genuinely believed the world was about to end.在耶稣死后的几个世纪里,基督徒们真的相信世界将要灭亡。Tradition holds Jesus Christ was born on this site.传说耶稣基督生于此地。Alleluia! Christ is risen.哈利路亚!基督复活了。Jesus Christ was crucified.耶稣被钉死在十字架上。They believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.他们相信耶稣死而复生。The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history.基督诞生是世界历史上一个重要纪元的开端。They believe that Jesus Christ was sent here to redeem us from sin.他们相信耶稣基督是被派来救赎我们脱离罪恶的。The various feast days memorialize aspects of the life of Jesus Christ and various saints.各种宗教节日用作纪念耶稣和许多圣徒生平。Christ is inviting sinners to repentance.耶稣在欢迎罪人忏悔。The Docetic teaching held that Christ's suffering was only imaginary.幻影说认为基督受难只是假想。We have faith in the redemptive power of Christ.我们相信基督的救赎力量。Much of what passes for Christianity is a negation of Christ's teachings.许多被接受为基督教的东西其实是对基督教诲的否定。He believes that Jesus Christ will save him.他相信耶稣基督会拯救他。Within the Canon, the wafer and wine becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ.在祭献经文里,薄饼和红葡萄酒变成耶稣基督的身体和血液。Thursday is Ascension Day, when the church observes the bodily ascension of Christ into heaven.周四是耶稣升天日,到时候教堂要举行耶稣圣体升天仪式。In political matters George Washington went out of his way to avoid invoking the authority of Christ.在政治问题上,乔治·华盛顿刻意避免借助基督的权威。The commission of Christ's ministers extends to every creature throughout the world.基督教牧师对全世界的每个生灵都负有职责。God will conform us to Christ in character and conduct.主会使我们的品格和行为合乎基督。The long-running musical "Jesus Christ Superstar' is to close after more than 3,000 performances.上演了很长时间的音乐剧《万世巨星》在表演了三千多场后即将落幕。Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.基督徒们相信耶稣基督死而复生。Through that life you can proclaim to all the world that Christ is alive.通过那个生命,你可以向世人表明,基督是活在人世的。Like a disciple following Christ, he gave up everything.就像追随基督的信徒一样,他放弃了一切。Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ.基督徒相信耶稣基督的神性。He had a vision of Christ.他在幻觉中看到了基督。Christ used parables to explain moral questions in a way that people could understand.基督用寓言故事来解释道德问题,让人们都能够听懂。The Christian era is counted from the birth of Christ.公元是从基督的生年算起的。Do you turn to Jesus Christ our Lord and accept him as your Saviour?你愿意相信耶稣基督并接受他为你的救世主吗? |