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词汇 必定会
例句 The car accident will doubtless result in a lawsuit.这场车祸必定会引起一场官司。Lettie had never yet failed to return from town without some special treat for him.莱蒂每次从城里回来都必定会给他带点特别的礼物。The attitude of the parents toward the usefulness of what is learned must colour the way children approach school.父母对学知识是否有用的态度必定会影响孩子对待学业的态度。I began to realize the certainty of freezing to death if I remained where I was.我开始意识到,如果我待在原处必定会被冻死。The oil shortage is bound to send prices up.石油短缺必定会造成价格上升。The whole affair is bound to be taken into consideration when the Indian side is picked.如果选的是印度一方,整个事件必定会纳入考虑范围之中。Bridge repairs cannot be done without some inconvenience to the public.桥梁维修必定会给公众带来一些不便。He knew that under the surgeon's knife he would surely die.他知道他必定会死在外科医生刀下。The proposal seems certain to sit badly with many people.看来那个建议必定会有许多人不欢迎。He's bound to notice your mistake.必定会觉察到你的错误。Stone's new book is sure to make a lot of women angry.斯通的新书必定会激怒许多妇女。Concentrations of troops near the border look set to invade within the next few days.部队在边境附近集结,看来几天内必定会入侵。Carlos, ever the optimist, said things were bound to improve.一向乐观的卡洛斯说过,情况必定会好转的。Despite their differences, their love will conquer.尽管他们之间有种种分歧,他们的恋爱必定会成功。If you refuse to provide any information to the user, then your computer program is doomed to failure.如果你不愿意向用户提供任何信息,那么你的电脑程序必定会失败。A ruler who is granted unlimited power is sure to abuse it.被赋予无限权力的统治者必定会滥用权力。His latest creations are sure to become instant classics.他的最新作品必定会立刻成为经典。Such sinners will surely be punished.这样的罪人必定会受到惩罚。House prices have to go up sooner or later.房价迟早必定会上涨。Stress is an inherent part of dieting.节食必定会带来压力。Drinking so much is bound to have a bad effect on your health.喝这么多酒必定会损害你的健康。An increase in interest rates at the present time would definitely be bad for business.现在这个时候调高利率必定会影响商业。She was bound to snap under all that pressure.在那么大的压力下她必定会垮掉。John Wakeham seems certain to become the fixer the Prime Minister will need at election time.约翰·韦克厄姆似乎必定会成为首相竞选时所需要的问题化解高手。We will continue our efforts, and we will succeed. 我们将不懈努力,我们必定会成功。She promised that she would be there without fail. 她承诺自己必定会在那里。She won't thank you for telling everyone how old she is.你到处宣扬她的年龄,她必定会很恼火。Reduction in government spending will necessitate further cuts in public services.削减政府开支必定会使公益服务进一步减少。Starting a family so soon would definitely spoil her career prospects for her.这么快生养孩子必定会影响她的前途。We think it's an inevitability that the fire will spread.我们认为大火必定会蔓延。The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.掌权者必定会全力支持他。His speech is bound to lead to some disagreement, but I think most people will accept it.他的演说必定会引起一些不同意见,但我觉得大多数人会接受的。Stress is an inherent part of dieting.节食必定会带来精神压力。If he had really been there, I must have seen him.如果当时他真的在那里的话,我必定会看到他。Adult courtrooms will inevitably intimidate young children.成人法庭必定会吓到年幼的孩子。




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