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词汇 chorus
例句 Students played the lesser parts and sang in the chorus.学生们扮演了一些次要角色,并参与了伴唱。The chorus's singing was excellent, and so was the orchestral playing.合唱队唱得很出色,管弦乐队的演奏也很不错。Even these improvements to the service failed to silence a grumbling chorus of complaints.即使对服务作了这些改进也不能平息一片抱怨声。The government is defending its economic policies against a growing chorus of criticism.面对日渐高涨的齐声指责,政府不断为其经济政策辩护。A chorus of boos rang out from the audience.听众发出一阵嘘声。There is a growing chorus of protest against the policy.反对该政策的民众呼声越来越大。We have some professional soloists and an amateur chorus.我们有几名专业的独唱演员和一个业余的合唱队。When we get to the chorus I want everybody to join in!我们唱到合唱部分时,我想大家都加入进来!There was a chorus of agreement from the committee.委员会里一片赞同声。The newcomers added their voices to the chorus expressing delight at the result.新来的人和大家一起为这个结果欢呼雀跃。The chorus was singing 'The Ode to Joy'.合唱团在唱《欢乐颂》。A chorus line of young lovelies danced on the stage.一排年轻漂亮的美女演员在舞台上翩翩起舞。The announcement was met by a loud chorus of boos. 这个公告得到的回应是嘘声一片。His victory was announced to a chorus of raspberries.当宣布他获得胜利的时候,人们一齐发出轻蔑的呸声。He encouraged the audience to join in the chorus.他鼓励观众和他一起合唱副歌部分。The singer stopped and the crowd sang out the rest of the chorus.歌手停了下来,人们大声唱余下的副歌部分。Caroline sang two verses and the chorus of her song.卡罗琳唱了她歌曲中的两段和副歌部分。I sing with the university chorus.我在大学合唱队里唱歌。The Central Coast's barbershop chorus is seeking new voices.中央海岸的理发店四重唱组合正在寻找新歌手。All the students replied in chorus to the teacher's question.所有学生齐声回答老师的问题。The government's proposals have been met with a growing chorus of disapproval.政府的提案遇到越来越多反对的呼声。There was a chorus of disapproval from the crowd.人群中一片反对声。The whole class replied in chorus to the teacher's questions.全班学生齐声回答老师的问题。Amanda has a solo in the school chorus concert this year.今年的学校合唱音乐会上阿曼达要唱一段独唱。She is singing in the chorus.她在合唱团唱歌。Before we practice the next section, let's go through the chorus once again.我们把合唱段再练唱一次,然后练习下一段。His latest novel was received with a chorus of alleluias from the critics.他最新的一部小说获得评论家一片溢美之词。Whoever had to cue in the chorus forgot his part.负责给合唱队提示的人忘记了自己的职责。She quickly left the chorus for a starring role.她很快离开歌舞队去出演一个主要角色。The phones in the room rang in chorus.房间里的几部电话同时响了起来。Everyone joined in the chorus.每个人都加入了合唱。The cock crows and the dawn chorus begins.雄鸡报晓,鸟儿欢叫。The chorus sang with attack.合唱团放声歌唱。His suggestions were met with a chorus of jeers.他的建议遭到了大伙儿的同声嘲笑。The chorus sang wonderfully.合唱团唱得非常出色。In Greek tragedy, the role of the chorus is to express the audience's reactions to what is happening in the play.在希腊悲剧中,合唱队的作用是表达观众对剧情发展的反应。More politicians have now joined in the chorus of complaints.现在众多不满的声音中又加入了更多政客的声音。The chorus was singing 'The Ode to Joy'.合唱团在演唱《欢乐颂》。Every member contributes to the rap, singing either solo or as part of a rap chorus.每个成员都参与到说唱中来,或者独唱,或者表演说唱乐中的和声部分。He received a rousing chorus of support from the Ireland fans.他的爱尔兰粉丝们在他面前合唱了一首激动人心的歌曲来表示对他的支持。




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