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词汇 雏鸟
例句 Meanwhile, the mother flies back to the nest to feed her young.其间,母鸟会飞回巢中给雏鸟喂食。The young bird fluttered its wings.雏鸟拍打著它的翅膀。The bird regurgitates to feed its young.这种鸟会回吐食物喂养雏鸟If disturbed, the bird may abandon the nest, leaving the chicks to die.如果受到惊扰,鸟可能会弃巢而去,留下雏鸟,任由它们死亡。The hen may not be able to feed its young.雌鸟可能无法给雏鸟喂食。The flock included both adult and immature birds.鸟群中既有成年鸟也有雏鸟The chicks will feed on the partially-digested food regurgitated by the parent.这些雏鸟吃的是雌鸟反刍吐出的半消化食物。The young disappeared soon after they were hatched.雏鸟出壳后不久就不见了。They were trying to find food for their brood.它们正设法为自己的一窝雏鸟觅食。Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong.另一种可能性是亲鸟会偏爱强壮的雏鸟The nest box contained two chicks: just small grey balls of fluff.窝里有两只雏鸟:看上去还只是两个灰色的毛球。The young birds weigh only a few grams.雏鸟重量只有几克。The young birds are sprouting their first feathers.雏鸟正长出绒毛。The bird regurgitates food to feed its young.这种鸟会回吐食物喂养雏鸟




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