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词汇 微笑
例句 Houston smiles almost maternally.休斯敦露出近乎母亲般的微笑She gave a knowing smirk.她露出会意的微笑They exchanged sly looks and smiles.他们交换会意的眼色和微笑The doting grandmother smiled and chatted about how well the boy was doing at school.那位溺爱孙子的祖母微笑着大谈这孩子在学校里表现如何如何好。He was marvelously cool again, smiling as if nothing had happened.他又变得出奇地冷静,微笑着,好像什么也没有发生过。Alice clinked our glasses together with a smile.艾丽斯微笑着把我们的杯子碰在一起。Slowly a smile spread across her face.她的脸上慢慢露出了微笑Her charm resides in her happy smile.她的魅力在于她时露愉快的微笑Across the table Michael smiled drowsily.桌子对面,迈克尔恹恹地微笑着。His smile was captivating.他的微笑很迷人。He believed in the smile as a social lubricant.他相信微笑乃是社交之道。He had the sort of smile that lifts a middling face into something special.微笑时,那张普普通通的脸会变得特别好看。She did not return his tentative smile.她并没有对他怯生生的微笑作出回应。He is entranced by the kindness of her smile.他被她和善的微笑迷住了。She looked out over a sea of smiling faces.她从许许多多微笑的脸上看过去。It was all smiles and handshakes when Mr Putin met the British prime minister today.普京先生今天会见英国首相时,又是微笑又是握手。Daddy sat in the first pew, beaming with pride.爸爸坐在第一排的长椅上,脸上露出自豪的微笑A slow, reminiscent smile spread over her face.怀旧的微笑慢慢浮现在她脸上。His smile bears witness to his new-found happiness.他的微笑证明他找到了新的幸福。The mere mention of his name brings a smile to my face.仅仅是提到他的名字就会让我的脸上漾起微笑He curved his mouth into a weary smile.他嘴角边挤出一丝疲惫的微笑She smiled in a friendly manner.她友好地微笑着。A faint smile crossed the Monsignor's face and faded quickly.一丝敷衍的微笑从那位大人脸上掠过,很快就消失了。He managed a smile.他勉强挤出一个微笑I can't stand that superior smile of his.我无法忍受他那种傲慢的微笑I often find myself nodding and smiling at my children without really paying them much attention.我经常发现自己虽然朝着孩子们点头微笑,但其实心思并不在他们身上。Jimmy was a chip off the old block with his grey eyes and his dad's smile.吉米灰色的眼睛和微笑酷似他父亲。With a gracious smile, Samantha glided onto the porch.萨曼莎彬彬有礼地微笑着,翩然走上门廊。The fond father smiled with pleasure.溺爱孩子的父亲高兴地微笑了。The Madonna's smile was beatific.圣母的微笑圣洁而安详。She smiled and murmured urbanities.微笑着并喃喃说了些应酬话。Her smile is slightly skewed.他的微笑有点让人琢磨不透。A puzzled smile flickered across the woman's face.那位女士的脸上掠过一丝困惑的微笑He has clear blue eyes and a dazzling smile.他有一双明亮的蓝眼睛和一脸灿烂的微笑Their smiling faces laid to rest the stories of an impending divorce.他们脸上的微笑揭穿了有关他们马上要离婚的说法。John paid the bill, smiled his thanks, and left.约翰付了账,微笑着道谢后离开了。He's a nice looking young man with an open, honest smile.他是个英俊的小伙子,脸上带着坦率真诚的微笑She looked at him across the table and gave him a significant smile.她隔着桌子望着他,给了他一个意味深长的微笑His lips pulled back in an approximation of a smile.他把嘴微微一咧,像是在微笑A smile formed on his lips.他的双唇露出微笑




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