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词汇 vulgar
例句 We were offended by his vulgar language.我们被他的粗话所激怒。He found himself married to a vulgar shrew.他发现自己跟一个俗不可耐的悍妇结了婚。I think that is the most vulgar and tasteless remark I ever heard in my life.我觉得那是我平生听过的最粗俗不堪的话了。All the plush in the world won't tidy up his vulgar soul.世上所有的好东西都无法净化他那俗不可耐的灵魂。Joe is a loud, vulgar person.乔是一个爱招摇的,庸俗的人。He was threatened in abusive and vulgar language.他受到粗言秽语的威胁。He wore vulgar commercialized spectacles.他戴着俗气的商业广告眼镜。I've no idea how much the clothes cost because there was nothing so vulgar as a price tag in evidence.我不知道那些衣服值多少钱,因为上面连一个普通的价签都看不到。She had a coarse, vulgar laugh.她发出了粗野的笑声。His campaign has been unrestrained and often vulgar.他的宣传活动毫无底线,内容往往很低俗。He was a vulgar old man, but he never swore in front of a woman.他是个粗鲁的老头,但他从来不在女人面前说脏话。The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.这部电影毫无品位、庸俗不堪,甚至可以说是粗制滥造。This magazine is criticized for pandering to the vulgar taste of some readers.这家杂志因迎合某些读者的低级趣味而遭到批评。They seemed to her rather vulgar and ill-bred.在她看来他们非常粗俗无礼。The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar joke.听到个有点下流的笑话,女人们放肆地笑了起来。Spitting in public is considered vulgar.当众吐痰被认为是粗鄙的行为。The lyrics were vulgar.这些歌词粗俗下流。Isn't it rather vulgar to talk about how much money you earn?谈论挣多少钱难道不庸俗吗?I will not tolerate such vulgar language in my home.我不能容忍在我家说话如此粗鲁I think it's a very vulgar house.我觉得这所房子很俗气。It was an extremely vulgar joke.那是个极为下流的笑话。When he was drunken, he was vulgar and silly.他醉时又粗俗又胡涂。Cut out all the vulgar expressions.删去所有粗俗的用语。All that vulgar social-climbing!所有那些削尖脑袋向上爬的可耻行径!The article describes the vulgar excesses of the newly rich.文章描写了那些暴发户种种庸俗放肆的行为。Nor was this the suspicion of the vulgar alone; it seems to have been shared by the clergy.这也不单是庶民的怀疑;看来教士们也有同感。The gramophone brayed out a vulgar tune.留声机里传出刺耳的庸俗曲调。This is rustic music, coarse and slightly vulgar.这是粗俗的音乐,粗劣而略带不雅。Certain words are vulgar and not acceptable in polite society.有些字眼较粗俗,不为上流社会所接受。I don't want to sound like a snob, but I thought she was vulgar.我不想像个势利鬼,但我觉得她就是庸俗。He's got to pander to the vulgar and stupid audience.他不得不去迎合那些庸俗愚蠢的听众。Horse-racing was once considered vulgar and lower class in Japan.赛马在日本曾一度被视为是粗俗的下层社会游戏。I don't want to sound like a snob, but I found the decor vulgar.我不想象个势利鬼似的说话,但我觉得装潢庸俗。The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.这部电影毫无品位、庸俗不堪,甚至可以说拍得很烂。The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar jokes.那些女人听了一些下流的笑话后粗俗地大笑。The vice premier led a vulgar life in his hometown after he resigned.那位副总理辞职后在故乡过著平民生活。His father still speaks the vulgar language of the country.他父亲还是讲乡下的土语。




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