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词汇 律师
例句 The lawyers short-circuited any attempt to sue the company.律师们阻止了对这家公司的所有起诉。It is important that lawyers use the correct terminology when they prepare contracts.律师草拟合同时使用准确的术语是很重要的。The lawyer had concocted an elaborate defence that gave a totally false impression of what happened.律师编出一篇周密的辩护辞,让人对发生的事有全然错误的印象。He set out to become a lawyer but ended up teaching history instead.他本打算当一名律师,结果却成了历史老师。He must anticipate the manoeuvres of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.他必须预见到其他律师的策略,然后以彼之道击败他们。Lawyers claim that the tobacco industry, by failing to tell everything it knew about smoking, was putting one over on its customers.律师说烟草行业故意隐瞒吸烟的危害,这是在欺骗消费者。The lawyers enjoyed hours of leisurely discourse at their club.律师们在他们的俱乐部里享受了几小时清谈的乐趣。In my judgment, we should let the solicitor deal with this.在我看来,我们该让律师处理此事。Anyone who studied at the college joined an elite band of well-connected lawyers, doctors and businessmen.那所大学所有的学生都加入一个精英圈子,这个圈子里都是一些社会关系很广泛的律师、医生和商业界人士。An attorney is your employee, in a manner of speaking.律师也可以说是你的雇员。Her attorney is nothing more than an ambulance chaser.她的律师只不过是个唯利是图的人。The lawyer disputed the witness's statement.律师对证人的陈述提出质疑。They have been subject to coercive interrogations without access to lawyers.他们在没有见过律师的情况下受到了强制审讯。The cash was eventually traced to a prominent Paris lawyer.这笔现金最终追查到巴黎一名著名的律师身上。Her lawyers acted quickly to squash any of her husband's claims on her property.她的律师立即作出反应,驳倒她丈夫分她财产的任何要求。Lawyers may not accept instructions in cases where they would have a conflict of interests.律师遇到有利益冲突的情况时不可以接受委托。The lawyer hammered him with questions about his involvement in the crime.律师就他的涉案情况发起连环追问。The lawyer questioned me about how money was transmitted to Mexico.律师盘问我钱是如何转移到墨西哥去的。The lawyer put several questions to the witness.律师向证人提了几个问题。She gradually built up a reputation as a successful lawyer.她逐渐确立了成功律师的名声。She ignored legal advice to drop the case.她不理会律师关于撤诉的建议。He became a prominent attorney.他成了有名的律师I'm leaving the solicitors to sort out the paperwork.我准备让律师们去整理文件。His lawyer had to obtain a court order to get access to her client.他的律师须得到法院同意才能与她的当事人接触。They imputed the error to the lawyer who was handling her case.他们把错误归咎于负责处理她案子的那位律师The evidence demolished the attorney's case.证据使律师提出的理由站不住脚。Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail.她的律师说她明白自己行为的后果,已有了入狱的心理准备。The suspect must appear and may be legally represented.嫌疑人必须出庭或由律师代表。Hill's lawyers announced she had taken and passed a polygraph test.希尔的律师宣布她已接受并通过了测谎。I suggest you engage the services of a lawyer. 我建议你聘请一位律师The best way of finding a solicitor is through personal recommendation.律师的最好方式是通过熟人介绍。Mock trials help students perfect their legal skills.模拟庭审有助于学生们完善自己的律师技能。The lawyer stated the plain facts of the case.律师陈述了案件的全部事实。The police said he was drunk, a claim refuted by his attorney.警察说他喝醉了,但他的律师对此进行了反驳。The attorney general of New Jersey took over from the local district attorney in the case.新泽西州的首席检察官从当地的地区律师手里接手了此案。His lawyers are asking for the case to be dismissed.他的律师们正在请求撤诉。The lawyer admitted to coaching the witness.律师承认对证人进行了专门指示。He told everyone he was a lawyer, but he was just a fake.他告诉大家他是律师,但他只是个冒充者。I'll be seeing my lawyer on Friday.我周五会去见律师Because of our lawyer's inefficiency, we had to wait another month before moving into our new house.由于律师办事效率低,我们不得不再等一个月才能搬入新居。




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