例句 |
Her career followed a similar course to her sister's.她的事业发展过程和她姐姐的很相像。They look rather alike and you don't know at first which is which.他们看上去很相像,猛一看你都分不出谁是谁。Adam was my grandfather and I take after him.亚当是我的祖父,我和他很相像。The two species resemble each other.两个物种很相像。His stance towards the story is quite similar to ours.他对该报道的态度和我们很相像。From a distance, the two birds look similar.从远处看,这两只鸟看起来很相像。They're alike in more ways than one.他们在很多方面很相像。There is a great similarity between all her children.她的孩子们都很相像。Fiction is like real life, only better.小说跟现实生活很相像,只是比现实生活更美好。The brothers are very like.这几个兄弟很相像。 |