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词汇 很疼
例句 After hiking all day, his toes were blistered and his arches hurt.徒步旅行了一天后,他脚趾起了水泡,脚背也很疼Hey, leave it out! That hurt!喂,住手!那很疼Bee stings can be painful.被蜜蜂蜇伤可能会很疼Some ants can give you a nasty nip.一些蚂蚁会咬得你很疼She rubbed her arms, but they hurt and she desisted.她揉了揉胳膊,感觉很疼就停下了。She felt his grip tighten painfully on her wrist.她感觉他把她的手腕抓得更紧了,很疼Hold still, this won't hurt.别动,这不会很疼的。It was obvious that she was in pain. 很明显她觉得很疼She tried to put on a brave face despite the pain of the injury.尽管伤口很疼,她还是尽力摆出一副无畏的表情。He's developed a painful lump on his neck.他脖子上长了个肿块,很疼My back ached, and I was chilled to the bone.我的背很疼,而且冻得要死。The wound has healed on top, but the skin underneath is still very painful.虽然伤口表面已经愈合,但下面的皮肤仍很疼I could see that his knee was bothering him.我看得出他的膝盖很疼I'm sorry to hear about your injury. It must hurt like the devil.很遗憾听说你受伤了。一定很疼吧。Spraining an ankle hurts but doesn't compare to breaking a leg. 扭伤脚踝很疼,但不及摔断腿疼。My triceps are sore.我的三头肌很疼He cracked his head painfully against the cupboard.他的头撞到了碗柜上,很疼I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow.我喉咙发炎,吞咽东西时很疼It hurts to have a tooth out.拔牙很疼的。Whitlock jabbed him painfully in the back.惠特洛克戳了他的后背一下,很疼She was clearly in real pain.显然她真的很疼I'm feeling a good bit better. The cut aches, but it's mending.我感觉好多了。伤口很疼,但是正在愈合。I've got a sore knee.我膝盖很疼I felt really stiff after playing basketball last week.上周我打过篮球之后感觉身体一动就很疼The pain was situated above and around the eyes.眼睛的上方和四周都很疼He had a headache and felt giddy.他头很疼,感觉晕乎乎的。My back really aches after humping those heavy boxes around all day.扛了一天那些很沉的箱子,我的背真的很疼After cycling for the whole day, my backside was very sore.骑了一整天自行车后,我的屁股很疼She's in a lot of pain.她感到很疼His right shoulder is troubling him.他的右肩很疼She carried on walking, even though her leg was hurting.她接着往前走,尽管腿很疼It hurts to walk on hot pavement with bare feet.光脚在炙热的路面上行走很疼The tumble hurt him badly.这一跤把他摔得很疼It's peculiarly painful where I burned my hand.我手上烧伤的地方很疼Her wound has been troubling her a lot this week.这星期她伤口一直很疼




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