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词汇 很深
例句 He had deep wounds in his chest.他胸部有几处很深的伤口。The inscriptions are fresh and deep-grooved.这些铭文是新刻的,而且刻痕很深The fact that his parents take little interest in his life hurts him more than he admits.父母不大关心他的生活,这对他伤害很深,只是他不愿意承认罢了。The water looks very deep there.那儿的水看上去很深Our family feels a deep connection to the land.我们家和这块土地有很深的渊源。My professor read over my dissertation and said that he was very impressed with it.我的教授仔细地看了我的论文,说他对论文的印象很深The castle had a deep moat which emptied into the lake.城堡有一条很深的流入湖里的护城河。He had a nasty cut near his eye.他眼睛旁边有一道很深的伤口。These weeds are difficult to eradicate because their roots extend deep into the soil.这些杂草很难连根拔起,因为它们的根在土里扎得很深It's a long way down - hold on tight.下面很深,抓牢。The rough rock walls were like the sides of a deep canal.凸凹不平的石墙就像一条很深的运河的河岸。Their conception of religion is heavily skewed.他们的宗教观带有很深的偏见。She had a large gash in her thigh.她的大腿上有条很深的伤口。They all have a deep attachment to the old house.他们都对老房子有很深的眷恋之情。The car's performance on mountain roads was impressive.这辆汽车在山路上的性能给人印象很深I must say that I'm very impressed by her industry.我得说她的勤奋给我留下了很深的印象。The fat, broad tyres had a good depth of tread.这些宽厚的轮胎上有很深的胎面花纹。It seems that the clothes have a deep religious meaning.看来这衣服有很深的宗教含义。I was impressed by Leonard's confidence and certainty over against his brother's weakness and hesitation.与他弟弟的软弱和优柔寡断形成对比的是,伦纳德自信又果断,给我留下了很深的印象。I was deeply/greatly influenced by my parents.我受父母的影响很深/很大。He gashed his arm on a window last night.昨天夜里他的手臂被一扇窗划了一道很深的伤口。Antagonisms run deep and tempers are often short.敌意很深,往往一碰就会发脾气。The French are a culturally sophisticated people.法国人民是文化底蕴很深的民族。As their roots are strong and penetrating, they prevent erosion.它们的根十分粗壮而且扎得很深,从而避免了受侵蚀。I'm very impressed with what's happening.目前发生的事给我很深的印象。I'm very impressed by your tidiness and order.你的整洁、有条理给我留下了很深的印象。The house has lots of deep closets.这幢房子有许多进深很深的壁橱。The river is quite deep here.这里的河水很深The lamps threw deep shadows beyond the circumference of the pit.灯光在这个坑的周边之外投下很深的影子。The lake was dark and glassy.湖水颜色很深,光滑如镜。These plants have very deep roots.这些植物的根长得很深She is a warm but very private person.她为人热情但感情藏得很深The desk was mutilated by deep scratches.书桌因有多道很深的刮痕而遭毁损。The river flows along a deep gorge.那条河流经一个很深的峡谷。The puddle was very dark when the blade came out of the water.桨叶出水时,形成很深的水涡。They say the wound's quite deep, and will probably leave a scar.他们说伤口很深,有可能会留下伤疤。Years of conditioning had left their mark on her, and she never felt inclined to talk to strange men.多年的熏陶对她影响很深,她从不愿意跟陌生人说话。The snow was deep, in places, ready to avalanche.积雪很深,有几处已有崩落的可能。His daughter has very dark colouring.他女儿肤色很深The old mineshaft had left a deep hole, dangerous to both people and livestock.旧矿井留下了一个很深的洞,给人和牲口都带来了危险。




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