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例句 Few beers brewed in Britain are matured in the bottle.在英国酿制的啤酒很少是在酒瓶里酿熟的。Few foods are as versatile as cheese.很少食物像干酪一样用途广泛。My mother's brother lives a fair distance away so we don't see him and his family very often.我舅舅住在相当远的地方,所以我们很少见到他和他的家人。Normally she wore little make-up, but this evening was clearly an exception.她平时很少化妆,但今晚显然是个例外。Not many women went to university in those days, but Dorothy was a very determined woman.那时候很少有女性上大学,但是多萝西却是个决心非常大的女性。Abortion is an issue which produces little reasoned argument.对堕胎这个问题很少有理智的看法。We keep in contact by phone but we rarely see each other.我们通过电话保持联系,但很少见面。Few will forget his eloquent defence of individual freedom.很少有人会忘记他为捍卫个人自由所作的有力的抗辩。In international trade, very few countries play fair.在国际贸易中,很少有国家遵守游戏规则。In the ancient world, it was probably rare to castrate a dog or cat.古时可能很少对狗或猫进行阉割。There were, oddly, few other Britons living in this northern part.说来也怪,很少有其他英国人住在这一北部地区。He seldom, if ever, buys goods online.如果他在网上买过东西的话,那次数也是很少的。Hyperactive children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep.多动的孩子经常注意力不够集中而且睡觉很少Few things were sacred to Henry, but local history was one of them.对亨利来说很少有什么东西是神圣的,但当地的历史可以算是其中之一。He taught us very little about English Lit, but was fascinating on the subject of heraldry.他教给我们的英国文学知识很少,但却热衷于讲授纹章学知识。Few plants grow in tundra regions.苔原地区很少有植物生长。That kind of mistake is rarely made by native speakers.母语者很少犯那类错误。Of all the flowers in the garden few can rival the lily.花园所有的花卉很少有能与百合花媲美的。Even a small amount of the drug can be detected in the test.即使是很少量的药品也能在检查中检测出来。Events of this type rarely go according to plan.这类事件很少按计划进行。Few Washingtonians are natives of their city.华盛顿市的本地人很少Fundraising from family and friends often comes to a sticky end because there are rarely formal arrangements.因为很少有正式的协议,从亲朋好友处筹款经常会闹得特别不愉快。This new diet involves eating very small amounts throughout the day.这一新的减肥方法要求一整天只吃很少的东西。In a rare moment of honesty, he told her what he had done.很少说实话的他告诉了她自己所做的一切。She still vaguely remembered her father, a distant figure who was barely ever there.她仍隐约记得自己的父亲,那是个疏离的人物,很少在家。His father was a travelling salesman and was very rarely at home.他父亲是巡回推销员,很少在家。We have very little money in the bank.我们存在银行里的钱很少Few know that the tribe was just passing through.很少有人知道那个部族只是路过。A small number of people have complained about the noise.为数很少的几个人抱怨过这些噪声。Though the aid is small, there is no need to sniff at it.尽管援助很少,也不必加以嗤笑。I've seldom felt so happy.很少感觉如此幸福。In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers.在我的日常生活中,我很少和青少年打交道。Doris is a very uncommon name nowadays.多丽丝这个名字现在很少见了。Few albums have as much imagination and sparkle as this one.很少唱片有这张唱片这样的想象力和生气。We seldom ever dine out these days.这些天我们很少出去吃饭。Very few families in this area possess a telephone.这地区很少家庭有电话。Very few parties in government ever want to implement major political reform.政府内部从来都很少有党派想实行大规模的政治改革。My father rarely smiled.我父亲很少笑。Few of our political leaders are willing to talk plainly about the emergency facing the country.我们的政治领袖中很少有人愿意开诚布公地谈论国家面临的危急情况。There was no ink in the bottle and very little left in the pen.瓶里没有墨水,钢笔里也剩很少了。




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