例句 |
The grass was prickly and cold.草地扎人,而且很凉。The water was wonderfully cool and refreshing.水很凉,让人神清气爽。The water was cold and wonderfully refreshing.水很凉,特别解乏提神。The bath was cold but he jumped in anyway.浴缸的水很凉,但他还是一下就扎进去了。The coolness of her touch made me draw in my breath.她的触摸给我感觉很凉,让我倒吸了一口气。The rain overnight had made the water cold.一夜的雨使水变得很凉。If the butter is still cold to the touch but spreadable, you can start creaming.黄油摸上去还很凉,但很容易涂开,这时你可以开始打成糊状。 |