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词汇 很享受
例句 We enjoyed the game but were rather annoyed at being beaten.我们很享受这场比赛,但是比赛失利令我们很懊恼。I enjoyed the concert, although the playing was kind of jerky at times.尽管演奏时有不稳,但我仍然很享受这场音乐会。You must really enjoy it, having all those fans lusting after you!你一定很享受了,有这么多球迷追着你!The rugby player enjoyed the adulation of his fans.这个橄榄球运动员很享受球迷们对他的吹捧。He's enjoying married life.很享受婚姻生活。She enjoyed his company and the excitement of feeling herself linked at one remove to London society.她喜欢他的陪伴,也很享受离伦敦社交圈仅仅一步之遥的兴奋感觉。He enjoys the simple pleasure of spending time with his wife and kids after work.很享受下班后和妻子孩子在一起的那份简单的快乐。I always enjoyed our Sunday night suppers.我一直很享受我们每周日的晚餐。He was always trying to find a new girlfriend and seemed to enjoy the thrill of the chase.他总是不断地想换女朋友,似乎很享受追求的刺激。O'Reilly enjoyed hero status based on his ability with a ball.奥赖利很享受自己因球技而获得的英雄身份。Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, he eschewed publicity and avoided nightclubs.虽然他看上去好像很享受那种常乘飞机四处旅行的奢华生活,但是他不喜欢被人关注,也不去夜总会。She looked like she was enjoying the party but she was just pretending.她看起来很享受聚会,但她只是装装罢了。He has written seven thrillers, and clearly enjoys intellectual pursuits.他已经创作了七部恐怖小说,并且显然很享受耗费脑力的活动。When she lost her job, she at first relished her new-found freedom.失业后,一开始她还很享受新获得的自由。I love the process of developing all the illustrations and marrying them with the text.很享受结合文章内容绘制各种插图的过程。Audiences lap it up.观众很享受He enjoyed his new-found freedom.很享受才获得的自由。Ron enjoys a gracious lifestyle in Castle Bellevue.罗恩很享受贝尔维尤堡优渥的生活方式。




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