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词汇 很久以前
例句 He died a long time ago.很久以前就去世了。Her memory of events that happened long ago is still okay, but her short-term memory is failing. 她能记起很久以前发生的事情,但是近期发生的事情却记不起来。It's a weird feeling to go back to a place that you lived in a long time ago.回到很久以前住过的地方,有一种奇怪的感觉。We played together many moons ago.我们一起玩耍是很久以前的事了。The lake was ponded by lavas a long time ago.这条湖是很久以前熔岩堵塞河道形成的。He made a promise to his great-grandfather? That would have been a long time ago.他曾向他的曾祖父许下承诺?那准是很久以前的事情了。It happened a long time ago.这是很久以前的事了。Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago.定量供应很久以前就结束了饼干过剩的状况。Even if it was a long time ago, it's still worth a mention.即使这是很久以前的事了,它仍然值得一提。I abandoned my romantic illusions a long time ago.很久以前就抛弃那些浪漫的幻想了。I learned long ago to avoid these invitations.很久以前就学会了避开这样的邀请。It all happened many moons ago.那都是很久以前的事了。Harry's daughter is dead. She died long ago.哈里的女儿已不在人世,很久以前就死了。It was a long, long time ago, but I remember it vividly.那是很久以前的事了,可我记得非常清楚。Childhood seems a lifetime ago now!童年似乎是很久以前的事了。Her parents died a long time ago.她父母很久以前就去世了。It's all ancient history and I'm not upset any more.这都是很久以前的事了,我不再生气了。He had decided long ago that he would put his trust in socialism when the time came.很久以前他就决定时机成熟时会寄希望于社会主义。In those far off days it never entered anyone's mind that she could be Prime Minister.很久以前,谁都没有想到她会当上首相。Most young adults can retrieve memories of very early events.多数年轻的成年人能想起很久以前的事情。He once played for England, but that was a long time ago.他曾代表英格兰参加比赛,但那是很久以前的事了。Denmark recognized the potential of wind energy early.丹麦很久以前就认识到了风能的潜力。He has a very long memory. 他能记得很久以前发生的事。The names of the people who lived here long ago have faded/drifted into oblivion.很久以前曾经住在这儿的人们的名字已经被遗忘。All evidence suggested that the plunder of the tomb had happened long ago.所有证据表明很久以前这个墓就被洗劫过了。Carlos left ages ago.卡洛斯很久以前就走了。I used to enjoy dancing, back in the dim and distant past.很久以前,我曾经非常喜欢跳舞。The war did not deflect him from the path he had long ago taken.战争并没有使他放弃自己很久以前就选择的道路。Hunters peopled these forests long ago.猎人们很久以前就居住在这些森林中。The comet was formed when a planet broke up at some time in the distant past.彗星是很久以前的行星碎裂而形成的。Bows and arrows have long since been out of use.弓箭很久以前就不用了。I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.虽然这是很久以前的事,我还是记得的。Our relationship is ancient history.我们的关系是很久以前的事了。I met your father once, a long time ago.很久以前见过你父亲一次。Thieves had long ago plundered the tomb.很久以前,窃贼就洗劫了这个墓。Pauline wrote to me once, but that was ages ago.保利娜给我写过一次信,但那是很久以前了。This river dried up long ago.这条河很久以前就干涸了。Once long ago he had considered becoming a state trooper.很久以前他曾考虑过当一名州警察。But that was all many moons ago.但那是很久以前的事了。They had been lovers once, in a distant past.很久以前,他们曾是恋人。




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