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词汇 很不自然
例句 He looked uneasy and refused to answer my questions.他看上去很不自然,拒绝回答我的问题。The boys posed rather self-consciously for the photo.男孩子们拍这张照片时姿势很不自然She was making herself unnaturally casual. But he did not take her up on it.她装出并不在乎的样子,但很不自然。不过他没有追问她。She smiled her careful tightlipped smile.她紧闭双唇很不自然地一笑。She called him darling. It sounded so forced.她称他为亲爱的。听起来很不自然The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.改造后的景观看起来很不自然,极其怪异。The movie's dialogue seems very labored.那部影片的对话显得很不自然On the surface she seems quite a pleasant woman, but there's something very artificial about her.表面上她像是个很开朗随和的女人,但她有些很不自然的成分。After the argument there was a strained silence.争吵之后大家都默不作声,气氛很不自然He has a stiff manner of speaking.他演讲的样子很不自然She looked self-conscious and guilty.她看上去很不自然,很内疚的样子。




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